New to Skirmish - What should I buy?

By spectre_op, in Imperial Assault Skirmish


I am quite new to the Skirmish element of the game. We mostly play the campaign, but I want to invest more on this aspect. We have the base game, and its probably feasible for me to get 1-3 expansions (since their campaign value is bigger and I can split the cost with my friends) and well maybe 4-5 ally packs.

I want to be able to build 2 decent squads and/or one competitive squad.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hey! We're really glad you and your friends want to try out this pretty awesome game we all love.

First off - while you all are building your collection, feel free to proxy anything you don't already have. In particular, there are certain cards that you all will want to run, but you may have only one copy. In particular, the Command card Negation is a must-have when you are learning to play.

A quick history lesson: IA Skirmish's power curve was drastically changed with the release of the Jabba's Realm expansion. Everything made during and since that expansion is what you'll want to prioritize in getting:

  • Jabba's Realm - Important for Scum & Rebel lists using Smuggler and Hunter cards
  • Heart of the Empire - Important for Empire -- comes with the Skirmish fixes for Darth Vader, Han Solo and Chewbacca
  • Tyrants of Lothal - Important for Rebel & Empire -- comes with the Spectre Cell skirmish upgrade card, which makes the 6 figures from Rebels VERY strong

Keep in mind that Imperial players will get most of their needs filled with the expansion boxes.

As far as A/V Packs are concerned, I'd recommend you focus on the following list:

  • R2-D2 & C-3P0 - Nearly required for all Rebel lists
  • Jawa Scavenger - comes with the IG-88 Skrimish Fix
  • Jabba the Hutt - Has the Assassinate Card, essential for Hunter lists. Also, a sexy slug.
  • IG-88 - With its skirmish fix in the Jawa Scavenger pack, it becomes one of the most powerful figures in the game
  • Hera & C1-10P, Kanan & Ezra, Zeb & Sabine - All 3 packs have great command cards and, with Spectre Cell, becomes the toughest list in the game
  • Hondo Ohnaka - Easily one of the best figures for value per figure cost
  • Greedo - THE best figure for value per figure cost
  • Emperor Palpatine - One of the best pieces for Imperials
  • Alliance Rangers - More great Hunter cards and these figures are the best Troopers for Rebels in the game
  • BT-1 and 0-0-0 - Decent figures but has 2 strong Command cards
  • Thrawn - Not only very strong, but also has a set of extremely strong Command cars for Imperials
  • Alliance Smuggler - Necessary for some Rebel lists that need a low-cost objective runner

If this looks daunting, don't let it be. Just get the things that you and your friends want to try first. Remember, proxying is fine as you find what you guys like and want to play.

Edited by cnemmick