Turquoise Championship

By Kakita Onimaru, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

In preparation of Inktober and NaNoWriMo, I have made a FB group for L5R fans to gather and share their creations!

If you want to participate in these events, share the projects you have been working on, or just want to check things out, feel free to join!


Judging by your avatar you are Crane, thus you are probably attempting to gain more knowledge and political clout before the Emperor, thus you probably have hidden intentions/motives, thus you will only gain and I will probably lose, thus I will not join your charade to elevate you and your Clan, thus I am not sharing or checking things out. Good try Crane! ?


Edited by LordBlunt

In the new lore there is already turquoise championship? The charge was created in the ol5r by Iweko I.

Don't trust a Crane.


Edited by Daigotsu Arashi

Give your pitiful Crane souls to the 9th Kami, and I might co wider checking it out.