Lord V is upon us, and today we'll see him in action for the first time in the area.
Battle is maelstrom with volatile (I feel like this happens often).
Terrain is the fissure and a rock.
Setup: I set my latari up in fortress mode, using runes and the fissure. Church spreads his 3 units out.
Turn 1: My fortress deploys perfectly...if I were facing uthuk. The death knights march forward, unafraid of the oncoming hails of arrows which ping off their armor.
Lord V steps forth.
Turn 2: Lord V transforms and devours some darnati, the death knights make a fast march into the other darnati, as well as a rune and the fissure.
The archers begin to slowly chew the deathknights up, 1 wound at a time. It's now that they realize that they cannot pierce lord Vs beast skin. Only a full powered fire rune can burn him.
Turn 3: The darnati and scion fall. Leaving behind a few desperate archers, who look to meagan to save the day. She kills 2 deathknights...
But wait, Alliana for the win!
Turn 4: The death knights actually have some trouble getting moving due to banes. The archers are losing their chance to shoot, as lord V pops out of existence and reappears on a flank.
Alliana: "oh ****!"
Turn 5: Lord V goes 'poof' and flanks Alliana, finishing her in 1 blow.
This is were I called it, church had initiative, so meagan was about to get wrecked. The archers couldn't hurt lord V due to protected (deepwood 2x1 max damage is 4).
Afterthoughts: Lord V is the beast waiqar have wanted. He does heavy damage, and has a threat range better than Ravos in many ways. His instant transmission is really hard to prepare for, and very flexible when in the thick of things.
I have some concerns for his healing unique, but time will tell.
My unstable latari list is great for picking apart uthuk, but fails badly when facing 3 armor. Losing 1-2 damage per attack (4-8 damage attacks) means a lot of my points invested are not returning.
This battle was rough, but I can take comfort that I have a waiqar army to use this beast of a hero with. Time to dust of the dead.
Thanks for reading!