Conv. Kit maneuver dial feedback

By Rextonton, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

These dials are much improved, thanks for that, much easier to use. I just put about 30 of them together, whew!

Clearly, we are probably going to need more maneuver dials for several ships. If you bought all the expansions that came with these models you would have more T-65's and Tie's than dials, and some people bought duplicates! There are several ships where more can be feilded than dials exist.

Maybe a "swarm" kit(s) would be a good idea, it would also keep certain pre-2.0 expansions from being obsolete to have a way to get the 2.0 dials.

Thanks, for the improvements. I haven't been able to play yet, but from squad building, it seems like you've done a great job of making ships and tactics that just weren't worth it before competitive.

Edited by Rextonton
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