Tie Strikers Question

By Boom Owl, in X-Wing Rules Questions

Can Tie Strikers still AA over a rock and then take an action if the revealed move doesn't go over a rock?

Edited by Boom Owl

"Moving Through and Overlapping an
Obstacles do not cause ships to partially execute
maneuvers—if a ship overlaps an obstacle, it does
not move backward along the template. If a ship
moves through or overlaps an obstacle, it suffers
different effects depending on the type of obstacle:
• Asteroid: After executing the maneuver, the
ship rolls one attack die. On a ? result, it
suffers one ? damage; on a ? result, it suffers
one ? damage. Then regardless of the roll, the
ship skips its Perform Action step this round.
During the Engagement Phase, if a ship is at
range 0 of an asteroid, it cannot perform an
• Debris Cloud: After executing the maneuver,
the ship gains one stress token and rolls one
attack die. On a ? result, the ship suffers one
? damage."- page 15 of the rule book


Adaptive ailerons are a white maneuver. after you execute a maneuver over an asteroid you skip the preform action step.

pretty straightforward. So in answer to your question NO.

Edited by Icelom

What about if a ship is tractored onto a rock before it moves? I assume in that case it still skips its action step?

Quadjumpers looking more tempting if so...

2 minutes ago, player2072913 said:

What about if a ship is tractored onto a rock before it moves? I assume in that case it still skips its action step?

Quadjumpers looking more tempting if so...

A tractor is not a maneuver its a barrel roll so if the ship does not move through the rock on its activation (the front of the ship is sitting off the rock) then it can take an action.

3 minutes ago, player2072913 said:

What about if a ship is tractored onto a rock before it moves? I assume in that case it still skips its action step?

Quadjumpers looking more tempting if so...

That's not a maneuver. You'd roll for damage, but it needs to be a maneuver to skip the perform action step.


Edited by Boom Owl

yeah, they undid the faq in 1.0 for strikers to ignore that on the premove.

Which is really really annoying. Strikers are back to their initial release issue of "its super easy to force their AA move to bump and deny their action"

8 minutes ago, Vineheart01 said:

yeah, they undid the faq in 1.0 for strikers to ignore that on the premove.

Which is really really annoying. Strikers are back to their initial release issue of "its super easy to force their AA move to bump and deny their action"


ive actually emailed them about that hoping they just forgot about this scenario.

Strikers had this problem when they released and people were usually afraid to use them PURELY because any ship moving before them could just go infront of them and deny their action, even if their normal move didnt bump. Usually not a problem against fixed forward arc ships, but aux arcs or turrets would just shred them because now they loss their reposition or focus.

They faq'd it fairly quick to say "Nope, only the dialed move or ion move does it" - a sentence that is missing in 2.0. And ive looked for quite awhile because i love me strikers.

Edited by Vineheart01

They didn't undo the rule. the perform action step comes after you reveal your dial. If the strikers aileron or bump before a dial is revealed, there is no perform action step to skip yet.

in the 1st edition FAQ, this is under the Clarification section. it wasn't a rule change to undue but an explanation. This still works the same way.

1 hour ago, PanchoX1 said:

They didn't undo the rule. the perform action step comes after you reveal your dial. If the strikers aileron or bump before a dial is revealed, there is no perform action step to skip yet.

in the 1st edition FAQ, this is under the Clarification section. it wasn't a rule change to undue but an explanation. This still works the same way.

Hmm...thats a valid point.

Of course this being xwing people are going to argue this till the cows come home unless ffg mentions it. But this does make total sense to me.

Technically speaking Striker card says "before you reveal your dial" which is worded thusly to be ion'd out, but your argument is still valid because activating's first step is "reveal dial"

Edited by Vineheart01
1 hour ago, PanchoX1 said:

They didn't undo the rule. the perform action step comes after you reveal your dial. If the strikers aileron or bump before a dial is revealed, there is no perform action step to skip yet.

in the 1st edition FAQ, this is under the Clarification section. it wasn't a rule change to undue but an explanation. This still works the same way.

The preform action step still exists. You just are not at it.

Edited by Icelom
1 hour ago, PanchoX1 said:

They didn't undo the rule. the perform action step comes after you reveal your dial. If the strikers aileron or bump before a dial is revealed, there is no perform action step to skip yet.

in the 1st edition FAQ, this is under the Clarification section. it wasn't a rule change to undue but an explanation. This still works the same way.


The Activation Phase is the third phase of a round. During this phase, each ship activates, one at a time, starting with the ship with the lowest initiative and continuing in ascending order.Each ship activates by resolving the following steps in order:

1. Reveal Dial: The ship’s assigned dial is Revealed by flipping it faceup and then placing it next to its ship card.

2. Execute Maneuver: The ship executes the maneuver selected on the revealed dial.

3. Perform Action: The ship may perform one action." -page 3 of the rules reference.

Revealing the dial does not create the preform action step it is a seperate step in the activation phase.

what was that i was talking about on still going to be an issue? lol.

FFG plz fix! :D

I'm really glad I read this. I have been blissfully unaware of this conundrum until this moment. Until they fix the Aileron problem, I am replacing all TIE strikers in my squads with TIE interceptors. THIS BITES! I'm going to make a stink about it to FFG as well.

eh i still think strikers are better than interceptors. Soontir is the only interceptor that really never has the issue of "my ships strength was negated by higher init"

Yah, basic squints just feel too fragile compared to strikers, and the abilities are less useful on the lower level pilots.