Congratulations FFG!

By NeverBetTheFett, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

37 minutes ago, ClassicalMoser said:

but the solution is definitely not to continue raising and raising the power level.

Yeah, I agree with you. That would be best (to nerf SC a little) but I doubt that is going to happen. I wasn't saying new, more powerful stuff is the "best solution", just saying that it will (most likely) be the solution. I doubt FFG is going to nerf SC. Would be better if they did, but I'm sure they'll opt for selling more new stuff instead. Either way, SC's dominance won't last (I think/hope). Have fun with it while it's here. It sure gives everyone a lot to discuss on this forum. SC is like the Warriors and the cracks will show and it won't be the end of the game.

41 minutes ago, ClassicalMoser said:

fix them and the game would be fun again.

Really? SC took all the fun out of IA? I'm still having SO much fun with the game. I like the challenge and even enjoy playing SC (gasp!) sometimes... At least it is new stuff that is getting a lot of use. How much stuff do we have already that no one ever uses. It also would have been pretty lame if they had under powered SC and it never got used...

I still think the BEST solution is the app idea that people have floated around. FFG or the community could make seasonal adjustments to cost or other things and have it on the app and we could easily nerf, or fix deployment cards...

A good nerf for SC would be to limit the attack to within 3 or 4 spaces perhaps.

On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 7:20 AM, Mandelore of the Rings said:

Just saw that the "who's the boss" list won in the Scandinavian/Nordic comps. What?! SC didn't win? I thought SC was so unbalanced and OP? Hmm...

BTW, what's the "who's the boss" list?

Vader - Palp - Thrawn + anything u like :)

8 hours ago, Arviss said:

Vader - Palp - Thrawn + anything u like :)

I played it with 2 e-deaths with cross training, 1 officer and zillo. It was very effective and even dealt well with Spectre Cell.

The reason everyone thinks sc is unbalanced is because it’s not like any other list in the game. You need a completely different play style to combat it which people are just starting to figure out. Think about it. Six acts is against everything we have ever known and it’s a list where you mostly do not get to pick your team. Anyway I think sc is balanced we just need to have some time to figure it out.

Edited by Zagnoroth
Whoops typo
3 hours ago, Zagnoroth said:

The reason everyone thinks sc is unbalanced is because it’s not like any other list in the game. You need a completely different play style to combat it which people are just starting to figure out. Think about it. Six acts is against everything we have ever known and it’s a list where you mostly do not get to pick your team. Anyway I think sc is balanced we just need to have some time to figure it out.

The list is strong in spite of being 6 acts, not because it's 6 acts. Low activation count just means the opponent always gets to make their final activation on round 1 with perfect information, it doesn't confer any kind of advantage.

You're right that you do need a very specific playstyle to beat SC, but sadly that playstyle is not close to new. Sit next to your deployment zone and lob long-range sniper attacks backed by Hunter cards is the best strategy to beat SC, and that's been a dominant strategy since Jabba's Realm. The other way to beat them is to play a bunch of VP gaining effects, which is slightly newer but still predates SC as a successful strategy.

Right now the best players playing the tier 1 lists have mostly figured out how to beat SC with slight regularity, but the list is very oppressive against fringe strategies and against mid-level players who just want to bring a funky list to their local event and lose with style, but SC just curbstomps those lists often without losing more than a single figure.

5 hours ago, Tvboy said:

Right now the best players playing the tier 1 lists have mostly figured out how to beat SC with slight regularity, but the list is very oppressive against fringe strategies and against mid-level players who just want to bring a funky list to their local event and lose with style, but SC just curbstomps those lists often without losing more than a single figure.

That last paragraph is what I found at my local store. A lot of the players just want to play figures they like and have fun, we aren't an overly active group and most don't even play a skirmish game unless it is once a month at the store. I decided to play SC at one of our local events as I had yet to try it out and it was not good, I think I won one game 40-2. It destroys the mid level player (which by the way is where I consider myself as well, definitely not high end :) ) who is playing something slightly off meta, which is incredibly frustrating for them.

I also enjoy playing off meta lists at small local events, I vowed not to play it again at my LGS for that reason. Looking to grow a community, not destroy it.

At the high end level though yes most of the top dogs in the slack have learned to deal with it and it hasn't won a ton of regionals.

On the flip side, it can give a new player a pre built, very effective list that they can just jump into skirmish with and be competitive. My first ever X-Wing tourney was also the first 4 games I had ever played. I went and bought the cheapest most effective list possible (Rey-Falcon and Dancing Poe) and went 1-3, losing 1 really close game and the other 2 by a fair margin, but I was pretty **** proud of my performance given the fact I had never piloted a ship before. It was enough to bring me back to have fun again. It is a lot more fun to learn and lose competitively than getting blown out of the water. So I do see the plus side of SC there. I also love the thematic side of it, as a team they are very powerful in the SW universe with great chemistry. All of this was great in theory.. but in practice it's been a bit of a disaster.

10 hours ago, FrogTrigger said:

also enjoy playing off meta lists at small local events, I vowed not to play it again at my LGS for that reason. Looking to grow a community, not destroy it.

At the high end level though yes most of the top dogs in the slack have learned to deal with it and it hasn't won a ton of regionals.

I don't really understand. Would the lists that beat SC also trounce the "off meta lists"? If SC hasn't won a ton of regionals then is it still considered OP? What lists are winning regionals? Are they OP? I also like playing "off meta" lists, but my lists sometimes also get thrashed by say, Han+Sabine+Rangers or IG+hunters so it says more about my list than whether or not SC is OP.

10 hours ago, FrogTrigger said:

On the flip side, it can give a new player a pre built, very effective list that they can just jump into skirmish with and be competitive.

Great point. Totally agree and I think that's what it was intended for. We keep talking about ways to help new players get into Skirmish (that won't break the bank), saying how it's annoying and intimidating to have to by huge boxes just to get a card (negation) or some good deployment cards and then when FFG does pretty much that, and comes up with a pretty cheap way for new players to jump in and be competitive lots of people seem to hate it.

Anyway, like the OP said "congratulations FFG". Also, please keep it coming!

Sidenote, SC is a great list for me to let my kids use, simple to use (less moving parts) and gives me a challenge without resorting to my old strategy of "you can have 50 points to spend" or "you get free Gideon and C3PO" :)

The point that was being discussed is SC destroying mid level lists. It's an easy way for players to get into the game, however at a casual level it will make for frustrating matches for the casual player due to its strong stat line. Where as those other 'meta' lists that are beating SC took time, tinkering and practice to really get down. You won't see casual player X playing the box like Kenny does or Vader like Scott can. Where as with SC, it's a pretty fool proof list. As long as you don't over expose a figure early on, you have a legit shot at winning JUST based on the stat line.

You then put that strong stat line and bullet proof, non SC dependable, pre built list into the hands of an experienced player? Watch out.

The reason SC isn't winning a ton of regionals is because the more skilled players are refusing to play it based on its perceived 'cheap' nature.

I tried it a month or two ago and honestly had fun. I've haven't seen much of rebels, so I could see a fan of the show loving this list even more. It really relies heavily on the SC card to be honest. Having that extra attack and move any time immediately after someone else goes, on top of an extra damage and block is HUGE! The weakness lies in the fact that chopper usually is mostly a wasted activation in my mind. It also relies heavily on the Ezra being able to do his shenanigans. I feel strongly that if you take out Ezra first, you're golden. Others argue Sabine is a major threat too, especially with Rebel grafitti. I don't disagree, but I would make Ezra target number one. He can do way too much damage if left alive.

I agree with comments above that it will just take time to figure out good counters. Spy lists with tanky figures seems to be a good one. I don't blame people for playing with it as it's forgiving and super fun to play, but I appreciate and respect the community for not overusing it. We're better than taking internets and meta lists to win. I would respect someone more for finding the counters that take meta lists down! Go down swinging!

I recently went to a tournament in Chicago and until semifinals I only faced sc so I think that it is balanced but when you play it a lot it becomes unfun.

2 hours ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

I tried it a month or two ago and honestly had fun. I've haven't seen much of rebels, so I could see a fan of the show loving this list even more. It really relies heavily on the SC card to be honest. Having that extra attack and move any time immediately after someone else goes, on top of an extra damage and block is HUGE! The weakness lies in the fact that chopper usually is mostly a wasted activation in my mind. It also relies heavily on the Ezra being able to do his shenanigans. I feel strongly that if you take out Ezra first, you're golden. Others argue Sabine is a major threat too, especially with Rebel grafitti. I don't disagree, but I would make Ezra target number one. He can do way too much damage if left alive.

Ezra's a toughie. I agree that if you can take him down it's a huge boon, but if you try and miss then between pummel and the spectre cell attack he can heal himself back to full health pretty quick.

I kind of approach Ezra like I do Vader. If he leaves himself open a bit and I've got the cards, then I go all out against him. If not, I just don't attack him at all for fear of wasting all of those attacks and still not quite finishing him off.

On 9/22/2018 at 2:07 PM, DerBaer said:

I think the Specter Cell is overpowered.

its almost does not forgive the slightest mistake