Dwarf Wookiee

By swordfishson, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

2 minutes ago, swordfishson said:

My friend you missed the point he does not want the height he has he obviously you prefer to be tall full grown Wookiee but as fate would have that's not who he is and part of his light of his life is proving to his own species and others that even Joe he's significantly shorter he's still a Wookiee.

On another note I really want to make it a point that in the sessions the phrase that will probably be used more often than the not will be "aren't you a little short to be a Wookiee?".

I'm saying that, if he is short, it might make sense for him to live on Endor with a bunch of Ewoks. This would then invalidate the Chewbacca Defense and is therefore Not to Be!

(You might have missed the point that I was going for humor.)

Yeah totally didn't get that reference there, sorry.

So... I'm still working on this pesky little Wookiee, got pulled away for a little bit, but back on him.

Now I'm trying to determine his motivation. I've landed on the category of cause and I'm totally not sure where to go with this; also I think/ hope this willnwould help determine on how he got off Kashyyyk he after order 66.

Thank again everybody!!!