Dwarf Wookiee

By swordfishson, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hi everyone! This will be my first time porst anything, but I'm excited to see what I get.

So currently going through eote and making a character for each of the starting 8 races. Just need to finish my twi'lek, then I'll only have the Wookie and bothan left.

Now to my actual discussion/question. The current idea I have for my Wookiee is for him to be a "dwarf". Now I know that some of you will say something about just being an Ewok. Not what I'm going for, the idea is that he will be significantly shorter than normal Wookiee, but not as short as an ewok. So all I really have is the base idea of being a dwarf wookie, other than that I'm looking to y'all for some ideas where I should go with him.

All ideas are welcome, thanks everyone!

Are you going for a “Dwarf Wookiee” subspecies and looking for stats, or just looking for character ideas for Wookiee that has...whatever the Wookiee equivalent of dwarfism is?

Maurader might be the obvious pick, but I think Gadgeteer would be an interesting fit for this concept, too.

7 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Are you going for a “Dwarf Wookiee” subspecies and looking for stats, or just looking for character ideas for Wookiee that has...whatever the Wookiee equivalent of dwarfism is?

Honestly I don't think I want to get into the stat side of it unless people think that I really should.

So yeah I'm mainly looking for character ideas, but I do appreciate you asking.

Marauder is definitely one of the first specializations I thought of as well. Gadgeteer is a bit too "techy" if you get what I mean, and for fighting Im trying to make him a melee/brawl beast, which gadgeteer has brawl but no melee.

Thanks to both of you for replying, it means a lot.

Well martial artist or warden.

Also iron hand adept

Edited by TheShard

Which are those in???

24 minutes ago, swordfishson said:

Which are those in???

Warden is in Keeping the Peace , the sourcebook for Guardians. Martial Artist is, I believe, in No Disintegrations , the Bounty Hunter sourcebook.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Martial Artist is in No Disintegrations, but it won't get you Melee as a career skill (good Melee talent synergy, though); Assassin (also a Bounty Hunter spec) has Melee.

I think the OP only has the CRB guys. (Not that talent trees aren't available elsewhere ).

As a concept, how about a dwarf wookiee doctor who's smaller size made him somewhat shuffled aside in the social order (he wouldn't be able to compete physically with other wookiees), so he decided to channel his efforts into studying to be a doctor instead? Being marginalized also could have made him more willful than your average wookiee.

You could easily stat him with 4 int 2will for 90 xp, or you could make him more general with 4 3s if you didn't like the willpower part of the concept.

Don't count them out of a fight either. Doctors actually have Pressure Point, which is a borderline broken brawl talent, and you can combo that with Anatomy lessons for a character that can essentially vulcan nerve pinch a rancor.

Also, I wouldn't get caught up in the Career/Not career skill aspect. In this system, anyone can buy any skill, there'll just be a 5xp tax per level, or 25xp total if you want to max the skill out.

Finally, you might want to post general inquiries in the main EOTE forum. There's more traffic there in general (the only people who regularly use the beginner game board are people in Play by Posts, since we don't have a PbP forum) and you're likely to get more answers.

@swordfishson Welcome to the community, and good gaming!

Alright thank you everybody for your replies they are very appreciated.

Now after reading everybody's stuff I kind of had this instant inspiration. What if I did a marauder or hardcore brawl Melee character but as a side specialization i did the doctor.

The the background could be that after attempting to enlist into the Wookiee military as a fighter he got rejected again again again and finally they did let him in, but as feild medic. To clarify he would still be a good melee fighter because in between each rejection he kept training for combat.

Now I think that would be pre Imperial takeover of Kashyyyk and enslavement of the wookies. so does anybody have an idea of what would happen and where he would go after the enslavement of the wookies?

After looking at the wookiee stats would it be acceptable for me to reduce his Brawn to 2 and bump his willpower to 2 for his basic species stat, because of his background?

50 minutes ago, swordfishson said:

After looking at the wookiee stats would it be acceptable for me to reduce his Brawn to 2 and bump his willpower to 2 for his basic species stat, because of his background?

No. The Wookiee stats are there as representative of the species natural capability and thus form the basis for your character’s build to start from and differentiate him or her from characters of other species. What you could do, however, is when spending your starting XP on attributes, don’t add anymore to Brawn. Add them to other stats such as Intellect or Agility., for example. And, when coming up with his or her description, set his height as something well below average for a Wookiee; potentially even shorter than the species established minimum adult height of 2.1 meters (6’11”). This means you could have a Wookiee who is 6’ tall, and he’d be a “dwarf” Wookiee.

Thank you, I wanted to check before I just did it, and great point about the 6-foot dwarf.

So Fate has decided through three different tests with an assortment of dice that my Wookie will have the obligation of oath . Now before it is suggested; I'll let you all know and that I don't want to take the route of using his life debt at this point. I'm going save it for later. Other then that all suggestions and ideas are welcome.

The Oaths he will be swearing every time he hears, "Aren't you a little short for a Wookiee?"

On 9/17/2018 at 6:57 PM, swordfishson said:

Now  after reading everybody's stuff I kind of had this instant    inspiration. What if I did a marauder or hardcore brawl Melee charac  ter but as a side specialization i did the doctor. 

The Wookiee doctor, a tried-and- true classic! You will go far, my friend.

15 hours ago, swordfishson said:

After looking at the wookiee stats would it be acceptable for me to reduce his Brawn to 2 and bump his willpower to 2 for his basic species stat, because of his background?

I also would suggest you don’t do this. Keep his Brawn at 3 and use his starting XP to boost his Willpower to 2 if you want, but don’t mess around with swapping out base characteristic values.

Thanks everyone for contributing.

I definitely wanted to incorporate the fact that he hates when someone comments on his height in the derogative or negative way.

so yeah incorporating that into his oath would kind of kill two birds with one stone I kind of like it. Thanks again.

That would be an awesome obligation! Great variation on Marty McFly’s “Nobody...calls me...chicken.”



Thats great!!! ?

I would not allow a "dwarf Wookiee" on the grounds that it may invalidate the Chewbacca Defense.

What do you mean???

HappyDaze , what is the "Chewbacca defense"????

Edited by swordfishson

Nevermind, sorry changed my mind.

Edited by swordfishson
32 minutes ago, swordfishson said:

HappyDaze , what is the "Chewbacca defense"????

Chewbacca Defense (Wikipedia)


Chewbacca Defense (YouTube clip)

But basically this: "Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!"

My friend you missed the point he does not want the height he has he obviously you prefer to be tall full grown Wookiee but as fate would have that's not who he is and part of his light of his life is proving to his own species and others that even Joe he's significantly shorter he's still a Wookiee.

On another note I really want to make it a point that in the sessions the phrase that will probably be used more often than the not will be "aren't you a little short to be a Wookiee?".