Interlude: Abduction on Naboo

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Already late in the day, it is decided that the task force will set out upon its mission proper, in the morning. Inspector Lance Deckard has gathered the group at a local cantina, for a roundtable discussion.

"Thank you all for coming." He looks around at those assembled at the table.. and beyond.. One of the nice things about the round table, is that the entire room is visible, to someone seated at it.

"This is just something I like to do, early in an investigation, when I'm working with a team." He pauses to take a drink, and smiles. "Okay. I do it when I'm working a case by myself, too. But it's not as fun."

"Just spitballing, at this point, but let's go around the table and see what we come up with. I'll start."

"Any of you gamblers?" He glances at the others, expectantly. "For my part, I have 50 credits that put Valorum and Airgang snogging away on some remote beach, entirely oblivious to the diplomatic incident that has ensued." Taking another drink, he glances about at his colleagues.

"What? C'mon. It's a classic scenario, and I would be remiss in my duty not to voice the possibility, however unpopular. Senator's daughter captivated by dangerous mercenary.. Happens all the time."

"Okay, okay.. Fine. You tell me what has happened, then.. Who's next?!"

As the Investigator takes in the mood of the small gathering, he is also taking note of anyone paying them too much attention.. or trying too hard, to pretend not to.

"Another Ebla over here, please!" The inspector orders another beer, but he nurses it, while listening to his fellows express their own hypotheses.

" I do not take you up on that bet. I will, however, admit that your theory has strength in a galaxy of such near limitless possibilities. Looking at the two groups under scrutiny, and their possible motives, something seems off. The colonists were upset that the government didn't act on their behalf during the occupation, not knowing the situation of Theed itself. One could logically assume that the colonists would pick a political target from amongst the locals. The Valorums are a strongly political family, yes. But they are Coruscanti. I'd expect local colonists upset with the local government to go for local families such as the Amidalas, Palpatines, Bibbles. All very big, yet local, names during the occupation. The Gungans have a long history of tension with the Nabooan humans. I agree that a single joint battle would not completely wipe such a history away. But by the merits of Boss Nass, Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks they now have a voice in the senate. They can bring forth any grievances in the public eyes now. Which leaves us with Brec Airgang, the Nautolan bodyguard. Any more theories about him, other than having him - snogging away - with miss Valorum? Or would any of us have another theory about the Gungans or the colonists why they would attempt some action against the daughter of an outsider politician, other than reachinga wider galactic audience? "

Jonjo seemed a bit hesitant to repeat Lance's words about snogging away, resulting in a slight pause there. The rest, however, came out fluently, and confidently.

Rhothgar raises his hand quickly. “Uuuuummmmm, what’s snogging?” he asks innocently. “Is that a type of fighting style?”

" I'm not entirely certain where the word 'snogging' originated, but I do believe it to be some form of local slang for kissing. "

A slight smile appears on Jonjo's face.

" As such, it seems there is little fighting, kidnapping and political threat involved in the Inspector's theory here. "

The young Jedi has offered a more insightful analysis of the situation, but then the Inspector does not truly believe the outcome will involve an innocent tryst. He really just wished to pull the team together in a casual setting, and wanted to get things rolling with a bit of levity, an optimistic possibility.. Once the investigation is well and truly under way, they will be hard-pressed to enjoy stories over a cold brew. And if they happen to flush out an informant, so much the better...

"I was indeed inferring a tryst, a dalliance, between the young woman and her rugged, adventurous bodyguard."

"Barring an amorous liaison, or broad generalizations about the political climate.. What do we know about the Senator? Perhaps the daughter was not just a target of convenience, in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Lance waits for another member of the task force to speak up.

“You’re making my head hurt with all of those big words,” Rhothgar wined, holding his head in his hands. “Aomor o whosits? Liasing whatsits? Poli huh? I don’t get it.”

" When not following up on the affair theory, we must try to find motives and explore them. If miss Valorum is not a target of convenience, why would she, specifically, be targeted? "

Jonjo Adds a slight pauze again. In part to allow others to react, and otherwise to weigh his words carefully. Assumptions could be dangerous, more so if the speculation was especially wild.

" Let's take a look at the colonists. They would have reasons to be offended by local politicians. But are they really? As I recall, chancellor Valorum, the father, was dethroned by a vote of no confidence. He is a former chancellor for his inability to solve the crisis at hand swiftly, a victim of the bureaucracy and its delays at almost every step. The local government was ineffective as they petitioned, and then lacked, help from the Republic at large. This may contradict my expectation of the colonists having a problem with local government, but it might be a reason for them to target off-worlders. Particularly a Valorum. "

Then Jonjo waves his hand around, motioning it past the other members of the assembly.

" Anyone care to speculate about motives for the Gungans to target off-worlders like the Valorums? "

Listening in on the conversation, Padawan Keepf chimes in with a telepathic broadcast.

"I personally cannot think of any reasoning for the Gungans to take Miss Valorum." Saul pauses for a moment.

"Airgang, however, strikes me as the culprit. He's the type of person that's only loyal to the highest bidder."

Saul puts his hand up to his chin in contemplation.