Error Saving Upgrade in Special Slot M3-A (Web Version of App)

By Brikka Brakk, in X-Wing Squad Builder

The M3-A Interceptors have a special upgrade slot for one cannon, torpedo or missile upgrade. I can't seem to get the squad builder to save any selections in that upgrade slot. Has anyone else had luck?

I cant get the app to save anything at all. So I'd be happy with just that for now.

Oh man, sorry. I had the builder glitch out on me once where it said I didn't have any saved squads. I closed out and came back in and they were there again. Good times...

I'm able to save lists properly, but any Special upgrade I have equipped to an M3-A when I do so is silently removed in the process. Interestingly, the list's total cost on the list overview page is not reduced to reflect this change, but the correct list cost is displayed once I enter Edit mode for that list.

I've verified this behavior on both the website and the Android app.

Same on iOS...finally downloaded the app.

Deleting the app and reinstalling fixes the not being able to save squads issues. It's a strange fix.

12 hours ago, estuempfig said:

I'm able to save lists properly, but any Special upgrade I have equipped to an M3-A when I do so is silently removed in the process. Interestingly, the list's total cost on the list overview page is not reduced to reflect this change, but the correct list cost is displayed once I enter Edit mode for that list.

I've verified this behavior on both the website and the Android app.

Same on iOS