Han is not Part of Battle of Yavin

By Khyros, in X-Wing Squad Builder

So first off, I'm assuming that BoY and Playing Favorites are just swapped, otherwise there's tons of issues...

But I just want to a take a moment to laugh at the fact that the B Wing makes it into the variant (I suppose we have Rebels to thank for this, but the description of the variant is "...Using only the ships that appeared in the movie" and then includes ships that aren't in the movie)... And Pilot Chewy makes it in... But Han Solo - who's ACTUALLY part of the Battle of Yavin? Yeah, no, you can't use him.

And apparently the Decimator was in A New Hope!

all the variants other than extended are borked.

For that matter, why is Garven Dreis (T-65) not in there either?