Ally cost vs. Threat increase?

By angelman2, in Legends of the Alliance

Hey all,

Does anyone know if the APP figures in ally deployment cost when you bring allies to a mission? Is there a (hidden) threat increase system going on? Or, does the APP ignore ally cost? (In which case, one should -- strategically -- always choose the most expensive allies to recruit from between-mission encounters, right?).

I don't have exact knowledge (nor any formula), but I'm pretty certain the app takes an ally into account in some way. (In a similar way that Fame affects the deployments and the amount of bonus health of certain figures.)

Good to know! :D Otherwise, it would be pretty boring to be 'forced' to always take the most expensive ally (if you wanted to play strategically well). Now we can go for R2 and 3PO for fun and flavor rather than pushing for some monster ally, like Jedi Luke or Chewie :)