Some Newbie Questions

By AndersonCouncil212280, in Rules Questions


I have some questions that are probably really obvious but I was unsure so thought I'd ask here. Some of these questions came up during a recent game I had and I couldn't find the answers I was looking for in the rulebook or learn to play book.

1. If you draw 2 cards during the draw step and they happen to be characters in your Dead pile, do you get to redraw? - I would think a definite No but the player I was playing with was complaining when this happened to him as he thought it wasn't fair hahaha.

2. Can you put Duplicates of Attachments into play and if so are they saved if told to Discard?

3. Is an attachment limited to the Character who already has the Attachment linked to them or can it be split among different Characters? - To me it makes no sense to be able to play Ice, for example, on two different characters.

4. Is there any restrictions regarding who can or cannot be killed during a won Military Challenge? I.e. are Knelt Characters more susceptible? - I would think No and that any Character is eligible but my opponent kept complaining that I was saving my strong Characters and killing off the weak ones. I am correct in saying that it's the defenders choice though, yes? Unless a card ability says otherwise of course.

5. Can you decide who is affected by Plot cards? - Some are obvious as they specify "players" meaning both or multiple but others say things like "Filthy Accusations" say "Choose and Kneel a Character" and I wonder if I could choose one of my own characters. Maybe I wouldn't want to (I don't know all the cards well enough) but if some gain other benefits from Kneeling either to the card itself or others in play I can see how you'd want to Kneel your own character. Also cards like "Valar Morghulis" - is that each as in all characters or just on the opponents side?

6. Where do you place Event cards when brought into play and if that doesn't matter then when are they considered to have left play? I had one (I forget which) and I played it but then failed to achieve what I needed and wondered if it stayed in play. I assumed No.

7. Can both players have the same Neutral Character card in play at the same time? And if Yes, then if Player A has Littlefinger in his Dead pile can Player B still use Littlefinger?



Edited by AndersonCouncil212280

1) No.

2) Yes, and yes.

3) A Unique card such as Ice can only have one copy in play at a time, but a non-unique attachment like Milk of the Poppy can be attached to different characters.

4) Losing defender's choice, barring card effects as you mention.

5) If the plot card offers you a choice, then you make that choice. Valar Morghulis specifies "each character" so each character is killed (i.e., everyone).

6) Events move to the discard pile after they are played, except as card text states (Risen From The Sea, as an example).

7) Yes.

2. You may duplicate attachments as long as you follow other rules regarding duplicates. Specifically, only unique attachments may be duplicated. Also be aware of any "cannot be saved" texts :)

Thanks, that's cleared those questions up for me!



Sorry but I have a couple more questions!

1. When you play a Duplicate, does the strength double? Or for that matter, with a card like Littlefinger would you get +2 gold for 1 duplicate and +3 for 2 duplicates? - My feeling is No but I want to be sure as a friend asked the other night and I couldn't find it explicitly said otherwise in the rulebook.

2. Can you also Duplicate Location cards`? - I would think so if you can Duplicate Character and Attachment cards.

3. Sort of on the same subject as 2, but if you play more than one of a non-unique location card do you also make this a duplicate or can you place multiple cards for multiple benefits? - Specifically, the Western Fiefdom and The Roseroad cards came up where I wondered if you could kneel two separate Western Fiefdom cards to reduce a card cost by 2 instead of just one. Or if you can't reduce a single card by two can you then marshal two separate cards and reduce each card by one by kneeling the two Western Fiefdom cards? As for The Roseroad card, does multiple Roseroad cards grant multiple gold modifiers?

4. Can you use the printed text on a card if that card has already been knelt?

5. Can two players both have the same Location card in play? - I would think so but a card like The Iron Throne feels very singular but maybe that's just one of those rules that doesn't quite make thematic sense (like a dead character in player 1's pile still being OK to marshal for player 2.)




You're welcome to ask questions.

  1. Duplicates are only duplicates (and cards). They do nothing except give you the possibility to save their main card.
  2. Yes, you can.
  3. You can have multiple copies of non-unique cards (they cannot be duplicated, anyway). Each copy grants its own benefits.
  4. Yes, there is no rule against that. However, some cards must be knelt as cost for their effect (like Western Fiefdom) and you cannot use an effect if you cannot pay for its cost.
  5. Yes, they can (as long as each player's copy comes from that player's own deck).

I suggest you read the Rules Reference and FAQ for more details.