Pirate's Ploy (Hondo Ohnaka) campaign mission question (spoilers)

By Roibeard, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Spoilers ahead...

When the E-XD droid is redeployed, does it retain its initial stats, that is, returned to its original health having been defeated once already? It seems to have an extraordinary amount of health in this case, but it clearly needs to be redeployed "healthy" and there isn't a new (reduced?) level of health specified, reflecting it's initial defeat.

Thanks in advance,


Edited by Roibeard

Yes, it redeploys at full health. It should have between 9 and 17 health depending on the threat level. If you're playing it as part of the Lothal campaign, it should deploy at 13 health.

38 minutes ago, Tvboy said:

Yes, it redeploys at full health. It should have between 9 and 17 health depending on the threat level. If you're playing it as part of the Lothal campaign, it should deploy at 13 health.

Given that there's nothing else in the scenario, that was my assumption, however this seems particularly unbalanced, and unthematic since it's been defeated once. In general the Imperial player hasn't needed to ease off for the sake of the Rebel players, however with anything other than perfect play by the Rebels this one doesn't seem winnable. I'd wondered if the new state of the droid had been omitted in error, or if it had no defense roll now (just the optional threat for block exchange).


1 hour ago, Roibeard said:

Given that there's nothing else in the scenario, that was my assumption, however this seems particularly unbalanced, and unthematic since it's been defeated once. In general the Imperial player hasn't needed to ease off for the sake of the Rebel players, however with anything other than perfect play by the Rebels this one doesn't seem winnable. I'd wondered if the new state of the droid had been omitted in error, or if it had no defense roll now (just the optional threat for block exchange).


I didn't read the mission but in general I've been telling my Rebel players that Agenda missions are supposed to be hard for Rebels. I (as Imperial) has paid 3 influence for it, the equivalent of around $1200 credits for Rebel side. So if Rebels won the Agenda mission it means I just lost 3 influence that I could have used to buy some other agenda cards

11 minutes ago, ricope said:

I didn't read the mission but in general I've been telling my Rebel players that Agenda missions are supposed to be hard for Rebels. I (as Imperial) has paid 3 influence for it, the equivalent of around $1200 credits for Rebel side. So if Rebels won the Agenda mission it means I just lost 3 influence that I could have used to buy some other agenda cards

Good point - I was seeing this as part of the Lothal campaign extension (and, by the way, that's a great added benefit of these ally/villain packs!). None-the-less, it would be good to include the stats of the droid explicitly (FAQ? Probably it's not frequently asked yet!) as it reads like an omission even if it's intended to be identical in both halves of the mission.


The first mission rule giving the rules for E-XD is a persistent rule (diamond), so it is always in effect unless explicitly specified otherwise.

(Thus the Health of E-XD does not change. Just like the Health of heroes does not change when they become wounded.)


Mission rules are instant ( ) or ongoing (◆) effects. An instant effect is resolved immediately and most often
no longer needs to be referenced. An ongoing effect applies throughout the mission and often determines
special abilities granted to the Rebel or Imperial figures.

Edited by a1bert

Thanks a1bert - I'd missed such iconography of the mission rules, which is clearly very helpful! Where did you find that nugget? I'd like to check to see what else I've missed!


Edited by Roibeard
1 hour ago, Roibeard said:

Where did you find that nugget? I'd like to check to see what else I've missed!

The second page of the core campaign book, with only a few other vital things that are not repeated in the rules reference guide.

To help you not miss anything in the future, also see The Consolidated Star Wars: Imperial Assault™ Rules from https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/168240/consolidated-star-wars-imperial-assault-rules

(or if you don't have a BGG account, download from http://www.iki.fi/a1bert/TheConsolidatedImperialAssaultRules.pdf )

Edited by a1bert

Doh! Today I'd checked the rules reference and FAQ online - of course the Campaign guide is only available on paper at home... I don't think I've re-read that since the last run through the initial campaign!

*gg* on way...


Does Motivators from eJawa affect E-XD? Thematically should be a yes, but mission rules don't specify that E-XD is a droid using the special font for traits.

E-XD doesn't have the Droid trait, so is not affected by Motivators .

On 11/18/2018 at 8:48 AM, a1bert said:

E-XD doesn't have the Droid trait, so is not affected by Motivators .

Would it be fair to houserule that it does appy? I am not even convinced the designers considered that trait would matter here... I mean it's a droid right? Jawas should be able to... motivate it! I like theme over rules, when it makes sense. But maybe it would unbalance the mission too much?

House rules are just that - your decision. If the rebels are rolling over you, it should not hurt to give yourself small bonuses to keep the game interesting for all.

Hello guys

I ask here because we habe played this mission last evening.

End of Round 2 the Imperial player got a optional deployment. we then ask us why? what is the different from the optional deployment he had one step before in the status phase?

Any idea?

17 minutes ago, Trevor79 said:

what is the different from the optional deployment he had one step before in the status phase?

You didn't yet have the threat given by the Call For Backup event during the deploy/reinforce step of the status phase, because the End of Round step comes after it.

I.e. without the optional deployment you would need to wait a full round to spend the threat from the event. (See the Imperial Informants agenda card, which works this way.)

1. Increase Threat by Threat Level
2. Ready
3. Deploy/Reinforce (optional deployment)
4. End of Round effects
5. Increase Round Dial.

Edited by a1bert

sorry, but I don't understand if I can activate E-XD every turn, normally, or if I have to sacrifice the activation of another miniature of mine to activate the droid.


E-XD is an imperial figure that doesn't belong to any group.

The second mission rule says "As an activation, the imperial player can activate the E-XD...".

To me this means that when it is the imperial player's turn to choose a ready group to activate, the imperial player can choose to activate E-XD (if it is ready ). The ready/exhausted status of E-XD is tracked using the mission token. The token readies during the ready step of the status phase together with everything exhausted except the cards of the heroes. So, E-XD should/must activate once per round until incapacitated.

You don't need to exhaust another group (or figure) to activate the E-XD.

(The mission rule should refer to group activation. However, if it meant a figure activation, it would be worded completely differently, so we can pretty sure my interpretation is correct.)

Edit: I also suggest moving to boardgamegeek's Imperial Assault forums for future rules inquiries, because these forums will shut down in February.

Edited by a1bert