Vader's Finest + Question concnering supply deck

By Whitebubble, in Legends of the Alliance

Ha all (or better, hi a1bert),

Theaction list of Vader's Finest ST has the following action:

  • if you have 1 or more harmful conditions, remove all harmful conditions and become focussed

I read this as an condition. So if the ST have no harmful condition they cannot perform that action, right? (Otherwise I would expect something like "remove all harmful conditions and become focused")

They specify which supply card should be set aside from the Core Set, RtH and TS. What about the other extension? For hoth are we supposed to put "Power Generator" aside as well?


Since you cannot discard crate tockens in the app it seem to me that this card should be removed. Any suggestions?

You are still executing the instruction line, but due to the "if" and having no harmful conditions it ends up doing nothing. (And the figure doesn't become focused.) (It's effectively the same as skipping the instruction though because there is no action cost.)

Edit: (I was confusing the dot as the non-action instruction marker in your post and didn't notice that you said it was an action.) The correct rule: "If an instruction would cause no change to the game state, the instruction is skipped unless the rules say otherwise." (For example Reposition is never skipped even if it cannot be fulfilled or does nothing.)

I removed Power Generator at least for some of my plays, but you can just ignore the discard of the crate token. (That's what the designers said.)

Edited by a1bert

See edit.
