Regionals list

By Spidey NZ, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Hey guys,

I have a Regionals tournament in New Zealand on sunday, and was wanting some list ideas, I just Got all the Tyrants of Lothal stuff and going to paint them all as quick as i can. i like to keep my lists pretty thematic, and not what everyone will be running, as i hate mirror matches

my original list before getting Lothal was going to either be a vader and riots list, or an ahsoka, han and leia list, my friend will be running an IG88 hunter list

I want to try something with Death troopers, and i think everyone will be doing a spectre cell list, so maybe avoid that. though it is very thematic

One list I have yet to try, but will do next time I play is a new creature list:




eTuskens (with Lie In Ambush)

R2-D2 (for card draw)

Gideon (for moving Bantha)

rJawa (Act and good shot with Focus)

Extra Armor (Prolly 2 on Bantha and 1 on each Cat, as you want the Catz to give Evade to Nexu)

Beast Tamer and Temp All.

The idea is to run in with the Bantha (pretty normal) for the Jundland Terror play. If you don't have the JT round 1, then your Tuskens will arrive in their deployment zone round two and while the Bantha will prolly go down, they'll be ready to Terrorize.

I gotta say though, that after having tested LiA once, I wasn't impressed. Perhaps it would be better as an extra Extra armor and just whach two tokens on each Tusken. But thematically I love the idea of Banthas and Tuskens coming out of ambush. :)

6 hours ago, aermet69 said:

I gotta say though, that after having tested LiA once, I wasn't impressed. Perhaps it would be better as an extra Extra armor and just whach two tokens on each Tusken. But thematically I love the idea of Banthas and Tuskens coming out of ambush. :)

I agree with you. I believe LiA is nice idea but it's born out of the meta.

Not sure though. But I think it goes better with snipers than other melee/close range units. Gotta test more.

54 minutes ago, aermet69 said:

Not sure though. But I think it goes better with snipers than other melee/close range units. Gotta test more.

depends on the map, I think the current maps are fine for Gamorrean Guards, etc, but the Lothal map is going to change all that, depending on the scenario, there will be little reason to keep anyone in or around the deployment zone. Right now Gideon and Jabba get left in the zone but the Deployzones are close to the action. Lothal is the opposite, where there is quite a bit of space between them and the rest of the map. One scenario has literally a pre-move of 8 spaces from the DZ included in the deployment.

Oh, sorry, what I meant was for instance Gamorrean and then Weequays and other snipers, rather than Gamorreans and more Gamorreans or other melee people in your list.