Star Wars:Hunters on the Rim

By Lotr_Nerd, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Thanks, got it. I've redesigned the character a fair bit so I made a new sheet.

Bex is a scavenged and rebuilt BX Droid Commando. He was re-programmed to act as an assassin droid for his owner, but Bex's corrupted memory banks allowed him to break his programming and kill his owner to gain his freedom.

Good to see the team has melee muscle.

So far we have a Sullustan Technician Modder, Commando Droid Bounty Hunter Gadgeteer, Weequay Hired Gun Enforcer/Hired Mercenary, Golan the Hutt Bounty Hunter Martian Artist, and Twi'lek Colonist Marshal? With a pilot and a gunslinger potentially on the way? :)

Edited by Morninghasbroken

Hey guys, sorry I'm late to the party. I've got 2 ideas, I'll put them together tonight.

I was thinking of going Pilot with 4-3 Ag-Int so that I could potentially (eventually) cross spec into Medic since we don't seem to have a healer, and I'd rather not be useless on the ground. My question is:

If we're taking imperial bounties, do we need a Human to deal with imperial authorities (since we all know Space Nazis hate aliens) of course when I say "Deal with" I mean, "Be there so the imperial officer doesn't feel awkward but let the twilek do all the talking". Other advantage: Could take the out of career skill in medicine.

Otherwise if I'm just being Pilot mcPiloty I might go with Dug and choose between Int and Cunning for my 3 stat.

I great with either so I thought I'd see what the team thought.

Any thoughts?

Hmmm, I could easily swap my guy over to human with no real problem. You are right, might make things easier/open different options. The only reason I went Weequay is I love Hondo and never tried one before. 'shrug' Sure, I can be human, unless you just really want to.

I'd say not to worry about being an alien or human. In Episode V most of that line up seems to be aliens. If they're desperate enough to use bounty hunters, they'll just have to grin and bear it ?

@Lotr_Nerd I am going to bow out as a I can’t think of a good concept, and I don’t want to slow the game down or deprive someone else of a chance to play.

Sorry for the delay, all.

Here is Docratha. I'm kinda flexible about the 3 in Int (it makes better piloting sense for it to be cunning, but the Int lets him medic better)

His human alternative is definitely better rounded, and better equipped, but Docratha is hands down the better pilot...

Obviously I have some backstory to fill in but I wanted to get him in the thread so y'all could see him.

OK, went ahead and went human. I like the balance better. Here is the updated sheet. Other than expanding and filling in the background it is good to go.

I believe I have Sien Yovv completed. I might need to make some changes to the background, and there are a few specifics that need to be filled in (gang names).

Hi all, coming a little late to the party. I took a look late last week to see what most people had chosen to find a role for myself, thinking a Dug pilot, or maybe the tank. Dug pilot was well and truly slotted and I was going to have trouble out-tanking a Hutt. Not that there would've been a problem taking something similar but I liked the idea of filling a gap. In hindsight a couple of Dug brothers could've been fun.

However, I decided to take a Kaminoan Big Game Hunter with a second spec in Thief. Haven't finished building with backstory and equipment yet. Free rank in Medicine plus taking that as the green-eyed non-career skill seemed apt for the Kaminoan and allowed me to sort of plug that slot a little. Also opens up Survival and Stealth which is sort of the focus. In broad strokes back story will involve her getting uncharacteristically interested and excited by the stories of the Clone Troopers, although the idea of face-to-face battle isn't appealing, leading her to become interested in hunting.

Most definitely a glass cannon too, so I think picking up soak from gear will be essential. I'll also probably have to take the additional Obligation to pick up a rifle. I'll try to get the details flesh out ASAP.

@Roderz If you still want to do Dug brothers I'd be game. But no worries if not. I'll just have to adjust my sheet, since apparently we have a much more effective medic now ;) . But 95% of my sheet still applies... I'll try to update it tomorrow.

14 minutes ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:

@Roderz If you still want to do Dug brothers I'd be game. But no worries if not. I'll just have to adjust my sheet, since apparently we have a much more effective medic now ;) . But 95% of my sheet still applies... I'll try to update it tomorrow.

No problem. I suspected that might be one outcome, as I thought maybe that was a hole you were also trying to fill and I just slightly managed it a little more.

I'm still open to the idea of a couple of thuggish Dug brothers. I picture it as kind of like the Ithorian Moomo Bounty Hunter brothers, both thinking the other is an idiot to some degree and kind of slapping one another at times, but absolutely having each others' backs when it's down to the wire. If that appeals, let me know and maybe I'll switch across, but I'll probably still try to cover Medicine if I can, and probably stick with the Big Game Hunter.

I'm thinking I'd really like to cover Survival and Stealth primarily, so the other skill might come secondary. On the up side we have at least one Int 4, so Medicine has some raw ability in the party.


Honestly both of your characters look great and I'd be happy to play alongside either. So it's totally up to you. If you decide to run Bintak I was thinking I might keep the track that I'm on now (cross spec-ing into medic eventually), if you'd rather run ki-nareem I'll flip my int and cunning stats, drop the rank in medicine and bump gunnery and either pick up the last tier 1 talent or use the increase in obligation to get $1000 credits for a heavy blaster pistol.

@oneeyedmatt87 Ok, let's do it, I'll take Bintak. I'm not really attached to being a medico with Bintak, so I'm going to drop Scout as that was one of the main reasons for taking Scout. Instead I'm going to bank the 20xp to pick up Gambler shortly to skill in Skulduggery and Deception.

Does that mean we're ready to rock? :D

What are everyone's thoughts on our starting ship?

Personally I am a fan of the Ghtrok. After that I like the Wayfarer medium transport. Both have plenty of room and are versatile. The Firespray is I believe a traditional choice, but not a big fan.

I forgot about the turtle. :) It's slower then the Lancer but tankier - so encourages different strategies. Definitely a good option.

For Sil 4, I'd ambivalent between the Ghtroc 720 or the YT-2000; if you prefer the Ghtroc that's good enough reason for me to vote for it.

I did not look at any of the Sil 5 ships; I assumed they were avoided due to how much range that size covers, and to give us something to aim for if we wanted to make our ship a significant element in our operation. The PB-950 and HT-2200 might also be contenders at this size, although the Wayfarer is definitely the most interesting of the three.

I'm a big fan of the Wayfarer, I love the idea of finding some esoteric module for it or retrofitting an hangar bay for a couple of fighters. That said, our likely pilot @oneeyedmatt87 should definitely weigh in. The difference between 4 and 5 is pretty significant combat-wise I believe. I believe flight combat can sort of come up as much as we want it to. I'm equally happy with pretty much anything mentioned so far. My only caveat is steering away from the cliche a little, in not having a YT-1300.

Second the no YT-1300.

Oneeyedmatt87 definitely needs to weigh in; his growth plans are probably the most important factor in this decision.

Thanks for the shoutout @Roderz ! While I too am a fan of the Wayfarer in principle, it seems that as a pilot you lose many of the "fun" maneuvers and become "Space bus driver" in the transition between 4 and 5. So my vote would be "anything silhouette 4". That being said, I love both the Space Turtle for its durability and interior space, and the YT-2000 because of my fond memories flying the Otana back in the day...

End of the day, I'd probably go with the Space Turtle for a group that's just starting out. It seems like something we could put love into and build up. Leaves room for upgrading our ship in the future. (I mean, eventually I wouldn't argue with a Wayfarer if there were fighters to fly, but that seems like a ways off for a starting group) Besides, what kind of pilot would Docratha be if he couldn't make a flying brick dance?

Also, if you guys wanted something with less crew capacity, Docratha is happy to string a hammock across the cockpit and make them his "quarters"...

Only too happy. I was actually toying with the idea of somehow splitting a bunk in half, since neither of us really need a full size one, and I figure the rest of the crew would lump us together until the ruckus of the squabbling forced them to separate us.