Please FFG give us an expansion

By Tailsgod, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Honestly the only thing I think is missing in this game is the Rebels characters

please FFG I want nothing else than to send Ahsoka and Luke on a mission in the Death Star against Vader while Han and Hera do a desperate mission to corellia to stop their production lines

I would love to have Thrawn command an entire fleet against Luke Leia and Han

and have Kallus and the Inquisitor attempt to capture Wedge Antilles

in short

help is FFG your our only hope

I like the characters as is, what I would like from an expansion is Mini-Figures to represent the characters

Or a battlemat of the galaxy, allowing more room for placing fleets and troops...

Rebels would be fantastic. Seems like an obvious choice, to me.

I’ve always wanted something like this;

that’s probably why I made it. And Rahm Kota is one of my favorite characters, especially his militia

Adding new leaders is relatively easy balance wise as it doesn't make a lot of huge changes to the primary dynamic. hardest part is coming up with missions that don't break or dilute the mission deck.

...yes...more, More, MORE!!!...

Clone Wars expansion please!

...solo expansion....

new expanion pleaseeeeeee

...if no expansion...maybe some simple add ons…..some flavor!...