brettpkelly Youtube Channel for IA streaming

By brettpkelly, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I'm starting this topic to share some highlights from my Imperial Assault youtube channel. Last night I streamed the @cnemmick Skirmish Fixes Vassal Tournament Finals. It was a great game between some very high caliber players. Check it Out!

This is awesome dude.

That was epic. Thanks for the commentary.

As the "Benedict Jules" in question, I want to just sheepishly explain the Primary Target thing that caused the long pause in round 2. DT and I both agreed that the skirmish upgrades counted as attachments in this format (and that therefore DT would have been able to play Primary Target on Luke during Boba Fett's activation to get a focus and damage onto his second or third shots).

The issue was that he asked about it after the fact, during my Leia's activation, and he wanted to know if he could go back and add the damage back in for the kill on Luke. It was sort of a weird call for me, since these upgrades were just applied directly to the cards to reduce clutter by the people who set up the Vassal tournament, but it was also a missed opportunity, and if DT had played it on the second attack, the card would have been burned on Luke's dodge with no change in the result. If he had played it on the third attack, it would have killed Luke. Since we were trying to do it by hindsight and this was a semi-formal championship for our Vassal tournament, I called it a missed opportunity. DT was a good sport about it, and had sort of been hesitant to even bring it up, partly because it also meant revealing hand-knowledge. But I also get that he probably would have been tracking it better if these upgrades were real cards and Luke's card had shown the 10 cost more clearly, instead of as a secondary reminder on the fix-card, so it probably isn't a mistake he would have made in a physical game.

Otherwise, it was one of those games where you live or die by some dice and draw variance, and I had definitely had at least two key defensive rolls (the dodge on Luke and a tri-force on Hera that kept her out of Assassinate range). There were probably some other things I could have done more precisely -- Gideon positioning away from Onar's potential rush range, moving Leia up for that last shot, etc. -- but it felt good to play a game like that down to the wire.

Otherwise, thanks, @brettpkelly for streaming it! I started watching your streamed games in like January this year, wanting to improve my play, so it feels great to be able to play on one of them, even though watching it post-game makes me cringe at a few small mistakes!

Added a couple of spectre cell games to the channel from my stream yesterday. Enjoy!

Edited by brettpkelly

Great Game between Jarom Moore and Jake Peterson here!

One of the best games I've watched in a while: Kenny Brown vs. Hasan Kahn

Edited by brettpkelly
9 hours ago, brettpkelly said:

One of the best games I've watched in a while: Kenny Brown vs. Hasan Kahn

Dat thrawn roll doe...

If you missed the stream this weekend, here's a highlighted match: Isaac Borno vs. me! A battle of national runner ups. Enjoy!