LoS quick question

By enekolob, in Rules

Hi everyone!!!

Just a quick question about LoS.

After reading several times RRG I have this doubt.

Where should I place myself in order to check LoS????

A player determines line of sight from the perspective of a mini, using a viewpoint where the center of the mini’s base meets the top of the mini’s sculpt.

Example: ATST attacking snowtroopers behind a piece of terrain. If I watch just at the 'back' of the ATST I cannot see them, however, if I move myself spinning little bit and I watch from the same heigh behind ATST 'shoulder' I'm able to see them.

I'm pretty lost with...

Thanks in advance

Regards from Spain.

Edited by enekolob

I believe what is meant by that passage is the highest point on the model that is over the middle of the model's base.

Ok I understand...

It's a point it's not an area or a line...

I've got it!!!


If you check out the diagram on page 24, you can see their intent on where you're drawing line of sight from on an AT-ST.

The mini is symmetric and wide as atst, if there are two top points in the mini , can i choose the point?

Determining this top point is a very tricky issue with the atst.


Look at the passage you quoted - where the center of the base meets the top of the mini.

I'm having a hard time imagining your difficult situation - you lean down and look over the top of the mini, or you rest a laser pointer on the head, and you see what you see.

Edited by Turan

Thanks Turan, a laser would be really helpful .

Many stores that carry hobby miniatures also sell them, you can get a 2-pack of laser pointers on Amazon for 5 or 6 bucks.

I also advocate the line-projecting lasers, such as by Miniature Market. They're great for decisively establishing cover.