Drive Thru RPG - Community Created Content

By Tankboy_007, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Hey I wanted to find out if FFG allows community driven supplementary content on Drive Thru RPG or similar. It works great for D&D to get adventures and other helpful bits and pieces.

If this has already been covered somewhere let me know thanks.

They will soon make tons of sub-forums here for all your community needs.

48 minutes ago, AtoMaki said:

They will soon make tons of sub-forums here for all your community needs.

Would be really great to read other what adventures other people are running! :D

6 hours ago, AtoMaki said:

They will soon make tons of sub-forums here for all your community needs.

Really hope they make a "Classic" sub-forums for those that stick with the older editions then the new one.