In SoC, a main quest line that had us fighting Tristayn Olliven with the objective to free prisoners came up last night. It's actually a two piece map, with the two sections connected by a portal (portal requires 1 movement point to go through, not an action).
The prisoners are treated as heroes, and once freed will get 2 move actions of 4 movement points per action, with the instructions to travel from one map section to another through the portal and then head for the nearest entrance.
One of Tristayns instructions that comes up is to have him switch places with the furthest hero.
Some monsters say to specifically go engage prisoners.
The questions that came up:
When Tristayn swaps with furthest hero, is that furthest in that map section? Or in both? Would his teleport swap take him to the other section?
For monsters with an engage prisoner instruction, if the monster is in one section and all prisoners are in the other, would they skip that instruction or would they head for the portal and walk through in their attempt to engage a prisoner?