Favorite Investigator(s) and why?

By Villiam_2000, in Mansions of Madness

Hello, I am loving MM2 after learning about it from a friend and everyone I have shared it with enjoys the game thoroughly. I have all 2nd edition expansions.

However, personal fault of mine, I find myself gravitating towards the same investigator. Mainly Rita Young because of the extra movement which when I don't play her, I always find myself ONE movement short at crucial times.

So I thought I would ask here, who is our favorite investigator and WHY?

My all-time favourite, which I have to not pick all the time, is Dexter Drake. I like his story, I like his stats, I like his special ability, and I love his miniature. He's the Lore master with the spells.

Another favourite is "Ashcan" Pete (because with Duke, getting a free Trade action at the start of your turn in a space up to 3 spaces away, well, within Range, just changes the economy of action usage - in your favour. Dropped something, no worries, Duke will pick that up and give it to you on Pete's turn, or if you've moved away too far Duke will get it to you later). After our group used Pete, we wondered how we could ever do without him!

I really like William Yorick's story. The great part is, he's also an amazing all-rounder. 7/7 on Health/Sanity, 3s and 4s on all Skills. A special ability that kicks in often enough to be useful, and in some scenarios with a lot of players can kick in very very often.

I'm sure I am going to love Lily Chen, Gloria Goldberg and Finn Edwards when I get to use them.

I have seen Darrell Simmons, Jenny Barnes, Kate Winthrop, Minh Thi Phan, Monterey Jack, Preston Fairmont and Joe Diamond be used to great effect.


Some sessions we allow straight out choosing (so you can be your favourite), other sessions we divide the Investigators up and choose from the number, and soon we are going to try a completely random draw. The amount of Investigators (32, soon to be 36) allows for the scenarios to play and feel different all over again.