Painting the Pieces

By ThulmannFan87, in Fury Of Dracula

I've been playing the new edition of Fury of Dracula for about a year now, and the figures look fantastic. However, whenever I trot the game out at my local gaming society, everyone present gets confused as to which piece is Seward and which is Van Helsing!

Weird, I know, but for the above two reasons, I've decided to paint all the playing pieces. What does everyone think of this? Have you yourselves also painted your pieces, and if so, what sort of colour schemes were used? Do you think this is a travesty being visited upon a classic game? Have your say! All feedback will be much appreciated.

I painted mine a couple of weeks back. I went with colors matching the game artwork. They are all different colors, so it works out very well in distinguishing between the player pieces.

I'll try and post some pics shortly.

Quite a few people have painted their figs in the past. Check out the game page on BGG, there are a variety of inspiring photos of people's paint jobs to get you going =)