Hero Alternate Art Cards ...

By Zeawater, in Player community

Hello all,

I am trying to complete my Alternate Art collection of Heroes. I currently only have Galadriel and Legolas.

I am happy to purchase or swap for any of below options:

* Currently have additional 2 x Legolas Heroes (Alternate Art)

* 2 x Fellowship 2015 "Gimli and Legolas" playmat

* Unopened never used duplicate packs:

- 2 x Murder at the Prancing Pony

- Nightmare Conflict at the Carrock

- Nightmare Journey to Rhosgobel

- Nightmare The Hills of Emyn Muil

- The Dread Realm

* Happy to purchase

Thanks in advance,


Hello again,

In addition, I am chasing the official alternate art cards which were released as part of the Fellowship events.

I am well aware of creating your own cards. Thanks to these excellent resources:



FYI I am impatiently awaiting my collectors' edition of the Lotr Living Card Game (currently shipping!). The custom art looks awesome:

Watch out for spoilers:

Thanks all,
