This is where I will compile all my notes for my upcoming Rogue Trader conversion. It is not a a 'standalone' expansion for Genesys, however.
The base 'game', if you will, is @Tom Cruise 's Dark Heresy conversion (found here ), so that is a must if you are looking to create a character for this (looking at the Home Worlds in particular), find the relevant equipment for your character, psyker and malignancy rules, adversaries, etc.
Here are the links to the PDFs for each completed section so far. Eventually they will be compiled into a larger, more cohesive unit.
Explorer Careers and Skill List
Rogue Trader Profit Factor and Acquisition system
There is a lot more that can be added - maybe additional talents, skills, and, most importantly, SHIPS and rules for Combat in Space. Those are, pardon the pun, are larger endeavour than what I have jotted down here, so hopefully I will have whipped up something soon-ish.
Do not hesitate to leave suggestions, discuss, criticize, and whatnot. I am unsure of the balance of some of the bits here and there, and I am sure that more can be added to adequately convert Rogue Trader to Genesys, in the name of the God-Emperor, of course!
Below are the links to the original Google Docs files where you can leave comments and suggestions.
Explorer Careers and Skill List
Profit Factor and Acquisition system
Edited by Tkalamov