Playing the game online in the app?

By Cador, in KeyForge


i would love to play this game! i like the idea of no deck building. but i have no gaming buddys or the time to go to events. with the QR code on every deck, why is the ability to play online not there right from the start? i mean it would not be the first game to do it, but one of the most promising ones, with a big player like FFG, i have no fear of the game failing.

if something is in the works, can we please have a little official hint?

The game is already on Tabletop Simulator so you can play it online there.

On 8/17/2018 at 6:42 PM, Cador said:


i would love to play this game! i like the idea of no deck building. but i have no gaming buddys or the time to go to events. with the QR code on every deck, why is the ability to play online not there right from the start? i mean it would not be the first game to do it, but one of the most promising ones, with a big player like FFG, i have no fear of the game failing.

if something is in the works, can we please have a little official hint?

The game hasn’t been officially released yet, we might still see online play right from the start, who knows?

For those of you itching to play a digital version early, I had bought tabletop simulator on steam and someone made a free download called superkeyforge. It has deck listings that people have sent from the gencon decks and you can play with your friends, it works great.