Spoiler out today at 3 pm Eastern

By NeverBetTheFett, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Some Canadian spies have told me that there is a new spoiler out today for some TOL stuff. Apparently something interesting that Rebel players will not be happy with. The Empire will prevail once again. @Kenseventy can you confirm this in Manitoba?

Cool. thanks to all your spies.


I'm already running over to LIDZ to get our MEGA hats (in a tasteful red colour with subtle off-white lettering) made up.

Everyone's favorite pirate, Hondo. Don't see why Rebel players would be upset by it



5 minutes ago, Darkjawa said:

Everyone's favorite pirate, Hondo. Don't see why Rebel players would be upset by it

If I were allowed a guess, Rebel players refers to the campaign.

Edit: but the campaign version of Hondo was already revealed.. so I'm wrong.

Edited by a1bert

really ready to get my hands on this box

5 minutes ago, NeverBetTheFett said:



Lots of potential here. Could guarantee you have less activations then your opponent so you can pass and see what they plan to do before dropping in a sqaud of angry Wookies in their deployment zone

13 minutes ago, Darkjawa said:

Lots of potential here. Could guarantee you have less activations then your opponent so you can pass and see what they plan to do before dropping in a sqaud of angry Wookies in their deployment zone

those poor Jabba players will actually have to move him, and R2 won't be so safe camping his terminal

14 minutes ago, Darkjawa said:

Lots of potential here. Could guarantee you have less activations then your opponent so you can pass and see what they plan to do before dropping in a sqaud of angry Wookies in their deployment zone

LOL! So true man. This could get nuts. It could be a really cool new mechanic to the game.

16 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:

really ready to get my hands on this box

My friend says his LGS has them in hand, but obviously won't release them...

1 minute ago, Darth evil said:

those poor Jabba players will actually have to move him, and R2 won't be so safe camping his terminal

LMAO! love it. the ideas are already coming in.

The drawback of Lie in Ambush is that if you have it in your army you have to attach it to a group. It doesn't need to be the same group from play to play though, so there is some flexibility depending on your opponent and the mission.

Edited by a1bert
14 minutes ago, a1bert said:

The drawback of Lie in Ambush is that if you have it in your army you have to attach it to a group. It doesn't need to be the same group from play to play though, so there is some flexibility depending on your opponent and the mission.


So can you choose to deploy that group when you have 3 defeated or 3 exhausted. Crazy. Good by Rebel Care Package!

Edited by NeverBetTheFett

It's obvious, they finally wanted to see a Jabba use his "bully"ability. Very nice card!

did they spoil the rest of Hondo?

Elite Piggies with Lie in Ambush...it'll be easy to get them up in your opponent's grill.

Edited by thereisnotry
6 hours ago, Darth evil said:

those poor Jabba players will actually have to move him, and R2 won't be so safe camping his terminal

R2 is usually pretty safe either way. If you're shooting my R2 then you're giving me plenty of ways to bash you back. R2 is one of the hardest figures to kill when rolling well.

19 hours ago, NeverBetTheFett said:


So can you choose to deploy that group when you have 3 defeated or 3 exhausted. Crazy. Good by Rebel Care Package!

Since it doesn’t say may, I think the deployment is mandatory. It will come out after the third activation of round two, assuming you haven’t killed three deployments by then.


Why have they switched from FFG.com posts to facebook reveals?

14 hours ago, ryanjamal said:

Since it doesn’t say may, I think the deployment is mandatory. It will come out after the third activation of round two, assuming you haven’t killed three deployments by then.


Interesting. You may be right. Which I would find fine, as it is otherwise super duper. Strength In Numbers can speed it up a little and maybe surprise your opponent as to when they arrive. Heh. If you Take Initiative and the Strength In Numbers as your first move they will deploy after their first activation on round 2! :)

13 hours ago, aermet69 said:

Interesting. You may be right. Which I would find fine, as it is otherwise super duper. Strength In Numbers can speed it up a little and maybe surprise your opponent as to when they arrive. Heh. If you Take Initiative and the Strength In Numbers as your first move they will deploy after their first activation on round 2! :)

who would be the best candidates in each faction for Lie in Ambush?

Rebels : elite Echo Base Troopers, eSabs, maybe the regular sabs on a budget since you really just want to blast someone.

Imperials: eWeb (hate their pointcost though) Riots, Death Trooper on a suicide mission, Dewback, probe droids. EStrormtroopers seem too expensive even though they would get some consistent damage through with squad training even though they feel too expensive.

Mercs: Gamorrean Guard are the best. Trandoshan Hunters in a strain list, Tusken raiders are good but GG are better in every way, Clawdites, Nexu for bleed and cleave, jawa

I agree with gamorian guard but I don’t get why you would think clawdite.

Edited by Zagnoroth

The sneaky option is Trandoshan Hunters. Without having access to focus when that unit deploys, the strain/+1 Damage is pretty solid with access to hunter cards.

Ya Trandoshans were the first ones to come to my mind, their big thing is getting up close and personal before they get blown up. This is the short cut they need to devastate the back line.

6 health is nice as well, basically the same as a regular riot (with their block). Pierce two makes them ideal for blowing up Gideon in a back door strike.

They clearly designed this card to counter Kenny's OP box.

Edited by FrogTrigger