So lets walk through how charges work just so I get it right.
I(blue player) get within range one of where I want to drop a charge. I make 2 pools. One with the Demo Expert and 4 guys that are going to shoot. I place the token, shoot and move on. The next round the other player(red) places a charge, does his other activations and the round ends.
The next round the Red player moves into range of my charge to claim an objective. My turn I activate my commando unit moves to have line of site to the charge. In doing so I have moved into range of the Red players charge. Having performed an action, the red player can detonate his charge before I detonate mine if he has line of site to his charge. He rolls and get one hit. I roll a block. Then I detonate my charge and I roll and get 2 hits. He blanks and he removes 2 models. And the game goes on.
Does this sound right based off the rules reference?
Thanks for the input.