My IA painted minis dump

By BigBadAndy, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Hi All. My son got an Imperial Assault core set for Christmas last year and after watching some of @Sorastro ‘s videos I decided to paint them. I finished the core set as well as Han, Chewie and Boba Fett. I have been spending all my time on Legion miniatures since that came out but I had Biba Fett primed and unpainted sitting around. Went back to him this weekend and figured I would share some pics. I don’t claim any of these are art but I’ve had a great time doing them and I’m pretty sure I haven’t posted here before.










Some are better than others. I did paint all the bases solid colors but I didn’t usually take a photograph afterwards. I like the way Han and Chewie came out but I don’t seem to have a photo. Maybe I will add them later.

These look great.

I find it rewarding also, to see the final products on the table. I know there's a gamesmanship edge to leaving the models unpainted, but a painted mini (like these) are just great to see.

With Sorastro's vids, my painting - across all games - has improved.

Good work.

32 minutes ago, TheEldarGuy said:

b  ut   a painted mini (like these) are just great to see. 

Thanks man. We’ve actually only played the game maybe 4-5 times. It’s a ton of fun but my ten year old runs out of patience after a while, so we don’t spend a whole day going through the campaign. But having the painted miniatures in the table has VASTLY increased my own enjoyment of the game. Just the investment of effort into each piece somehow makes them feel more worthwhile and instead of just being game pieces they are now something more. Looking at them on the table makes me happy.

My Daughter has been all over the campaign since she was about 11, she started playing Knights of the Old Republic, which is a great precursor to Imperial Assault.

My son (3 years older) prefers table-top skirmish (I introduced 40k to him at Age8 -his first game was about age10) style games, but they work together well.

We all have a crack at painting, and your right, that feeling of accomplishment when seeing the finished product on the table.

Life does have a habit of getting in the way of making regular games (bills have to get paid right?).

I promised to add my Han and Chewie so here they are:




Nothing special but I had a good time with them.