Importance of Launch

By Facilier, in KeyForge

This game is gonna fill a need for a lot of people - plenty of folks want to stay in touch with card games but don’t have the time to keep a collection organised, deck build, etc.

It also gives a genuine alternative to Friday Night Magic drafts - get a few people together, pay a tennerish, 5-10 minutes to get a grasp of the deck you get, then all sweet sweet gameplay. Maybe the winner gets another deck or whatever.

But for people to get into this initially, the game has to launch right. FFG have a bizarre fetish for launch events that only happen in a few locations with the majority of the player base just getting to buy product at their local retailer, with no sense of occasion or grandeur to bring into into awareness of the people other than those who already decided to try it.

Please let this game have a proper global launch event. Something to draw people in to try it, from where the gameplay will hopefully sell itself. Something that FFG can make available to every local game store.

And for goodness sake, don’t let this one run into FFG-style availability issues at launch. With all the might of Asmodee behind them now, and with a name like Garfield behind the game there can’t be a reason not to commit to this one fully.

It will have to be, It will go up against AOS Champions and the Transformers TCG. Both of wich will be released before Keyforge comes out.

Especially that transformers one will be interesting; if we get Keyforge vs Transformers, we'll get Richard Garfield vs WOTC. ^_^

To be honest, so far the only thing appealing to me about the Transformers tcg is that it’s Transformers. Game itself just doesn’t appeal to me.

AoS Champions looks interesting, but won’t beat Destiny for me and there is no way I will play two ccg’s at the same time.

Keyforge is the ideal sidegame for me. Fun, simple (yet pretty deep strategically) and won’t cost me an arm and a leg.

That’s all my opinion of course. Not everyone will agree and that’s fine.