HOw do Clawdite Assasins work in the app?

By GS_Topcow, in Legends of the Alliance

I havent played with the app since before i got Heart of the Empire, and as I prepare to embark on the New release, i was curious if the Clawdite Assasins are available for the A.I to deplo, and how do they work. Cause it will mean i'll have to paint a bunch real quick.



As far as I remember the Forms appear as bonuses, and I have only had one Clawdite appear at once, so you should only need one.

You'll probably get a surprise when you encounter a Clawdite Shapeshifter the first time. A very fitting surprise I want to say. Clawdites are very annoying in the app, in a slightly different way than Imperial Officers are annoying.

nice, i'll have one painted just in case then!


The clawdites have an interesting ability in the app in theory, but in practice it's never actually done its thing whenever I encountered them, either the conditions weren't right for the ability to trigger, or I just killed the Clawdite or the other relevant group of figures on the next round before they got a chance to use the ability.

50 minutes ago, Tvboy said:

in practice it's never actually done its thing whenever I encountered them, either the conditions weren't right for the ability to trigger, or I just killed the Clawdite

Me too. But the annoyance did its thing to change how I would've otherwise performed the activations.