Played through the new Jabba campaign and...

By Tvboy, in Legends of the Alliance

Okay guys, I completed my first playthrough of the new campaign by using Vassal. Here's my verdict: It's good. Very very good. Like 10 times better than the first campaign. The story was better, the narrative choices were more interesting and more impactful, the combat was a lot tougher and more tactical because of how much better the map tiles are in Jabba's Realm, the mission-specific mechanics were super fun and super thematic, the randomized enemy choices felt tighter and less wonky. Several of the missions are also divided into 2 distinct parts, which made it feel like 2 mini-missions and made the campaign feel longer than 5 missions overall. There was a good balance in the missions between objective play, stealth play and just mowing down every bad guy on the map. The AI also did well with being very specific about how the Imperial figures should be working with the mission specific objectives, like specifying that they can't voluntarily move into certain dangerous spaces or that they move towards specific spaces key to the mission after their activation

It was also cool to see them playing with more stuff that could only be done in the app and not in the physical game. Mercenary and Imperial figures fighting each other while still both being enemies to the Rebel heroes. All the heroes that the players choose and certain characters from Jabba's Realm get their backstories fleshed out more in mission rules and the campaign story text which was super cool to see. For example I got to meet Diala's grandmother, Vinto's childhood friend, and Saska's brother and see these characters interact several times during the campaign.

Now for the problems though. There's still no undo button for if you accidentally trigger something on the map that you weren't supposed to, or accidentally hit the accept button instead of the + button that's right next it when inputting your surges and fail a test that you should have passed, or accidentally hit Yes which for some reason is on the right side of the screen instead of No. At least thankfully they have implemented a 2-touch system for when you go to defeat or activate an enemy group so it's harder to accidentally delete an enemy group. Also no auto-save, which I guess is useful for backing up the game if you accidentally screw something up, but for example in the final mission I played through the first 3 activations but had to get up to do something and when I came back a few hours later, the app had rebooted and the mission started over from the beginning, giving me slightly different enemies then what I had started with. The randomized enemies are much improved from the previous campaign, but there some things that still might bother some. For example, I never saw any snowtroopers deployed in the desert missions I played which was a good thing, nor did I see any Royal Guards, but some people might be bothered by a Wampa being deployed in Jabba's audience chamber or Wing Guards as part of a Black Sun army.

I'm looking forward to playing the first mission again but with my physical models tonight with a friend.

I'm only 3 missions in on the new campaign. While the story line for the campaign is great, I'm a bit annoyed by mission triggers. In one case, the villain I was trying to take down escaped before I had a chance to try and stop him. He had a lucky roll (that was buffed by the app), but sometimes things like that happen. At least the mission didn't end in failure from that. Unfortunately, the next mission was a failure and not from the way I played. The mission didn't give a time limit until a certain unit came out. It said I would lose if it got somewhere on the map. I immediately began rushing the objective, but wasn't worried because the unit moved really slowly. Then lo and behold, it activated first the following round and just magically jumped to it's objective for a mission loss out of nowhere. If there is a hard round limit in a mission, it needs to be stated. If the mission ends from a trigger from something on the board, it should follow the rules it tells you. Hopefully the next two missions won't have the same problems.

I've also got to say, I wanted the AI to get some buffs after the first campaign. Sadly, I've mostly seen this coming in the form of attacks that don't need accuracy or line of sight. Difficulty from this route takes away the ability of a player to position well (which usually matter in games of IA).