A Waste of Resources

By gokubb, in KeyForge

Deckbuilding and tooling a deck are a part of a card game. Collecting is a part of a card game. This just seems like a mess aimed at casual players that will soon realize they can have more fun for far less cost playing some deckbuilding game from Cryptozoic. I read about the release yesterday and tried to find something positive about this before sharing an opinion. But, I cannot find anything positive. The factions seem generic and dumb. There doesn't appear to be a story to drag you in. No customization of a deck. Blind pack buys. The worst of the worst with a little of the worst thrown in for good measure.

I was expecting their big announcement to be a new Android LCG or a Star Wars Co-Op LCG. Maybe something using the Conquest system. Maybe a CCG around RuneWars. Marvel Super-Heroes Destiny. Any of these would actually get some buzz from both competitive and casual players alike. This though....what a waste.

In all fairness, I may be wrong and it may be the funnest game ever, but from what I know now, I put those odds at about 3720 to 1.

There wasn't likely to be a replacement for Star Wars or Netrunner until next year at least. And a new Conquest game is unlikely.

The point of this game isn't to deckbuild. It is a fun fast-paced game where you don't need to deckbuild or buy hundreds of dollars worth of singles.

It creates a sense of ownership by having "your" deck. The game itself seems well designed, and it has as much story as magic originally had.

This distribution is actually very newbie friendly.

Years could go by and you still wouldn't have to pay very much to get into it. It may also help pull in the players that would typically say "If I can't have ($) all the cards, then I won't play".

11 minutes ago, gokubb said:

Deckbuilding and tooling a deck are a part of a card game. Collecting is a part of a card game.

Millions of Poker/Bridge/Euchre/etc. players disagree with you. The amount of money I sunk into Dominion says that you can have a quite profitable card game with no collecting aspect to it. Deckbuilding, tooling, and collecting may be part of CCGs and LCGs—but this isn't one of them.

If you're really into the deckbuilding and tooling part of LCGs/CCGs... well, yes, I suspect that you're right that you won't like this one.

I'm with the OP. I will for sure, give the gamd a try, but when I'm checking the factions and see the martians, the game goes from a magic setting to a smash up setting in my mind.

Thank god it's not another star wars game. I have about my fill of those at the moment.

It does come across as a zany pet project from Richard Garfield, and FFG said, sure let's do this! But the price point is about right, ten bucks for a full deck that's cheap enough. Especially since destiny (FFG other forray into CCG teritory) costs a lot more. Now I'm gonna pick it up and it will probably be good, but I don't see this game pulling a Magic, and still be around for 25 years.

1 hour ago, Barbacuo said:

I'm with the OP. I will for sure, give the gamd a try, but when I'm checking the factions and see the martians, the game goes from a magic setting to a smash up setting in my mind.

Well it isn't a magic setting. A smash up setting is very acurate. It is an amalgam of many worlds. There are also the Sage guys.