Turret Question/official rules question can't entirely help

By Scorpion1863, in Rules

Since the Golan Arms Anti-Infantry Turret is becoming mainstream to get from 3d printers, and possibly from Official FFG eventually. You encourage using any kind of terrain, and resolving it with the opponent beforehand. If an equal amount of turrets get placed by each person, say 1. They also both agree on whatever said stats the officials wanna use.

So what I'm asking is can it be used as a terrain piece, of a high building, by 1 commander, or 1 whole infantry unit? That Cmdr or Infantry unit would be considered in heavy cover and Impassable terrain. So that the turret would be targeted first, and after suffering i.e. 3 wounds, the unit inside would have to make a defensive roll for each unit inside. The turret of course would need to be assigned some type of dice for all this, and that's where the help is needed. It's an anti infantry turret so it would only be good against infantry, and would be placed near 1 of the 3 objectives most likely. Once destroyed it would then have the top removed and be considered just Heavy cover, impassable terrain?

I grant you this seller used Imperial Assault next to the turret, but they are very sizeable, and can be used perfectly. I've seen 2 or more different sellers both with slight but similar designs. Both reflecting the Golan Arms Anti Infantry Turret. I also know you already have the other turret coming in an expansion set, so I know that will have some stats obviously.

Etsy listing- 3d Printed Star Wars Legion Compatible Turret / 28mm Tabletop Wargaming Terrain / Print to Order


Edited by Scorpion1863

You're not going to get a "real" answer here, because you're talking about several layers of house rules so the best you'll end up with is other people's opinions of what to make up (or to not make anything up, and have the turret be non-functioning terrain).

My opinion would be to stay as close to the regular rules as possible and stat it along the trooper emplacements that are being released. So eliminate the notion of having your other troopers "get inside" of it, and just say it's a turret that has an operator inside and these are the stats. That way you're just making up the stats and you're not making extra house rules for units getting in and out of it.

Well I never expect a "real" answer with stuff like this. Not looking for official rules, plus I can always just go with whatever in the end. But obviously others input is what I was going for. Well in some ways house rules, in other ways, just grabbing from 40k, and many other well done games. My opponent and I can always decide beforehand if it will be an "Active" turret or not. So sometimes it might just be there to add to the immersion of the planet or battle.

I'll have to look into the trooper emplacements, I'm not familiar with that. Where can I find those rules or stats?

So just to be clear, are you saying to use the turret as a unit type now? Or just as an extra that doesn't affect the 800 pts?

Well if we already have rules for defense dice, and units starting to panic, allocating wounds to units, and cover rules, I'm sure it's actually not that hard to come up with. I'm looking to enhance the game, plus it's fine to have some fun with it.

Edited by Scorpion1863
9 hours ago, Scorpion1863 said:

I'll have to look into the trooper emplacements, I'm not familiar with that. Where can I find those rules or stats?

You can look at the articles:



Either way I leave you the cards as they were shown where you can see all the stats and abbilities :

swl15_a1_cardfan.png swl14_a1_cardfan.png

That could help you with your house rules for the turret to be used as a unit for example. It must have STATIONARY and I think SENTINEL too, but as probably that big turret is not as quick and maneuverable as the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon it could only make normal pivot and not full pivot.

On 8/1/2018 at 9:44 AM, Lemmiwinks86 said:

You can look at the articles:



Either way I leave you the cards as they were shown where you can see all the stats and abbilities :

swl15_a1_cardfan.png swl14_a1_cardfan.png

That could help you with your house rules for the turret to be used as a unit for example. It must have STATIONARY and I think SENTINEL too, but as probably that big turret is not as quick and maneuverable as the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon it could only make normal pivot and not full pivot.

That is perfect, thank you so much. I agree with using Stationary and Sentinel, that makes sense for sure. I wonder what kind of health and dice I should use to make it not overly powerful. It seems 5 dice would be the number though to use?

10 hours ago, Scorpion1863 said:

That is perfect, thank you so much. I agree with using Stationary and Sentinel, that makes sense for sure. I wonder what kind of health and dice I should use to make it not overly powerful. It seems 5 dice would be the number though to use?

Yes, I think 5 or maybe even 6 dice, but having many whites and converting surges to crits, because it's strong but not too precise when targeting troopers. Maybe 3 whites, 2 black and 1 red. Having a high Impact, like 3 for example, but it can attack from range 2 to 4 as it cannot shoot at things near it. Or even make it 2 to infinite or 3 to infinite.
I think it should have Armor, defend with white dice without converting surges and have around 8 HP.

But to get it right you'll have to playtest it and make adjustments according to how it performs.