So, because Disney left Kyle definitively in the dust as of Rogue One and because he is a great fit for IA thematically, I have tried my hand at designing him into the game as a playable hero. He is supposed to be a versatile and self-sufficient hero, who can be built either towards damage/disruption or survivability as you see fit.
This forum allows only for 70kB attachments, so follow this link to see Star Wars' own Chuck Norris in his Imperial Asault Glory along with my commentary.
Feedback welcome - in fact, that's the only reason I'm posting this publicly. It was hard to reconcile the facts that as per canon he'd be able to solo all the missions, but in the game he must function only as exactly 25% of a team and not much more. Some abilities may be too weak as a result and other too useful...
OLD VERSION! SEE NEW IN LINK ABOVE. (The upload functionality of this forum here refuses to cooperate)
Credits to
- kaio89 for the awesome illustration of Kyle that looks like it was made for the game
- geckoTH for the psd template wihtout which I would have spend twice the time doing this!
Edited by Kraemet