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Starship Construction Utility RTSU v1.41 Published
just some questions, when you select the Dictator class hull should I select the Jovian pattern Landing bays and will the sheet not remove the space for the landing bays? and how do I change the craftsmanship of macrobatteries or lances so there is a reduction in space and power used by them?
Any plans to update for Hostile Acquisitions?
Anyone hear from Bobh at all?
At the very least I can try. Bobh u there?
At the very least I can try. Bobh u there?
You know, he was last active May 11 2014 @ 11:50 AM. You could probably PM him. Just saying.
Hang on a mo, he has an email too. Thanks for pointing that out!
At the very least I can try. Bobh u there?
You know, he was last active May 11 2014 @ 11:50 AM. You could probably PM him. Just saying.
Point of fact it won't let you PM him. I tried. Says he can't use the messanger system. Did bobh get banned?
Apparently people can't message me either. And I am not banned yet (nor have received any message of some intentional muting of me).
That seems more than a bit strange.
Apparently people can't message me either. And I am not banned yet (nor have received any message of some intentional muting of me).
How very odd.
FYI this is no longer downloadable as the site he was using to store it has gone out of biz.
Ah, at last! Thank you!
And here's the file with it's password removed.
Sorry if that violates something, but it's the only way to add new stuff to it. (I swear it was like that when I found it! (Almost))
Anyone want to list new stuff added after Bobh updated it last?
I don't know enough about excel to do it, anyone else?
I can probably figure it out, I just need someone to tell me what to add
I had tried before, but so far without success. The first thing people come up with are some Custom Hulls, so perhaps start there? I have two suggestions for that.
1) Try adding the hulls created here .
2) Since that'll make a lot of Hulls, have the Hull/Class split into two boxes. First pick the Hull Class, then a specific type.
I utterly failed when I tried to do this, so good luck!
Before we do anything custom, we really should add the stuff we already have in the books. Let's focus on that FIRST, because custom hulls are already IN this.
Oh yes, I'd forgotten that Hostile Acquisition components are not in this spreadsheet yet. That would probably be a more logical place to start.
Mucho Thankissimo to whoever unlocked that bad boy.
Also you should be able to make ship components finely wrought / best / quirk. As 'above' best quality, but not archeotech, yaknow? For your Finely Wrought / Best / Trusty Clemency Life Sustainers, and your Finely Wrought / Best / Resplendent Clan-Kin quarters, to show you REALLY care about the crew.
has anyone had any luck understanding the code inside the spreadsheet ?
it is either poorly written or way above my adept level