Updated Competitive Play Results

By kennydkbrown, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Asked for permission, i would like to add italian communty results, if it's fine :)

On 7/23/2018 at 8:04 PM, kennydkbrown said:

Let me know if you have any store champs, etc.


It'll be great to keep filling this out through the competitive play season.

This is the file with the two store championship of the current season in Italy (I'm leaving for some holidays, so i've prepared the file).


Edited by lorunks
added drive link
17 minutes ago, lorunks said:

This is the file with the two store championship of the current season in Italy (I'm leaving for some holidays, so i've prepared the file).

Store Champ Italy.xlsx

Use a Google spreadsheet we can't access this

9 minutes ago, Golan Trevize said:

Use a Google spreadsheet we can't access this

Thanks, adjusted.

14 hours ago, lorunks said:

Thanks, adjusted.

Thanks @lorunks this is amazing. Exactly what I'm looking for.

Updated with all info that I've received thus far. Thank you all!

Is there a rules change I don't know about? How does one play IG-88 and temporary alliance and then have 4 Rebels in their team?

@Rikalonius You're playing Scum faction with Temporary Alliance, which allows you to bring two Rebels (Gideon and Hera) and then you have an Elite Jawa, who allows you to bring up to three droid deployment groups from the other two factions (3PO and R2).

11 minutes ago, kennydkbrown said:

@Rikalonius You're playing Scum faction with Temporary Alliance, which allows you to bring two Rebels (Gideon and Hera) and then you have an Elite Jawa, who allows you to bring up to three droid deployment groups from the other two factions (3PO and R2).

Ah, that makes sense. So for one point you get 2 more health and can bring in up to 3 droids from other factions? It seems a bit ridiculous that it's a "mercenary" faction with more Rebels than Merc. I never bought a Jawa pack, so I guess i never realized how much more capable the eJawa were.

Yeah, @Rikalonius it's pretty crazy.

Updated again with everything I have received through July 29, 2018. Let me know if I am missing anything!

Updated with everything that I have received thus far except for a complete breakdown of the top 8 at GenCon. I have the top two, but I didn't know which of the pictures on the Slack and Facebook corresponded with which players. Let me know if you know which lists belong to who. Thank you!


Updated with most of the top 8. We need Matei's list.

Jacksonville's store champ was won by Travis Cooper with Vader w/fix, 2x eRiots, 2x rRiots, rOfficer, and Zillo. only 4 players.

Lincoln - UK, Store Championship (4th August 2018)

4 Players


1st - Ian Duff - Han, eRangers, Davith, 2x rSmugglers, Gideon, R2 & C-3PO

Edited by Captain_Tycho
Omission of date

Updated with everything I have through August 20. Please let me know if you have any results from last weekend. This next weekend (should) be the last week of Store Champs.

Thank you all for your support!

Updated with everything I have through August 27, including as much info as I have received for UK Nationals. Let me know if you have any more!

Updated with @Isnigu 's information for German Nats. Many thanks. It's also updated with US Nats.

Thank you everyone for your support on this! It's awesome to have the data.

Any word from Nova?

Yup, @buckero0 , that was US Nationals. I got the Top 8 all in there.