Good beginner guides?

By bigswizzlebb, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hey guys, I played briefly back when it launched but didn't have enough time to keep playing so had to sell my stuff. Recently a group has started again at my LGS and i'd like to get back in and was wondering where to start? Should I just buy 1 of every pack or are specific packs trash? Also do I need 3 cores still?


While you don't NEED 3 cores, if you wish to play competitively, you'll need them to be able to deck build (If you buy some packs, you can make a legal deck without buying additional cores, its just not a good deck). Packs depend on which clan you play, though I couldn't really tell you which clans need which packs, but in generally I think they have all had some good cards in them for someone. You can dig around in fiveringsdb or cardgamedb to see which cards are in which packs, and gauge if you'll play with them.

Edited by Mirith

There are a couple of websites that will give you a good idea of what you need, they both have decks built by others.

Also, the QR codes on the backs of packs show everything in each pack, so you can use them to see if you need a given pack.

Not all of the Elemental cycle packs are out yet, so the last 1 or 2 won't be available to peruse yet.

Cardgamedb shows all the cards in their packs if you don't want to find the QR codes.

When it comes to L5R I like to follow this approach......

Yep. When in everything. ;)

Or, if you choose a clan and are loyal, there's "core packs" for each clan available on Ebay if you don't want to buy full Core sets.