Epic 2.0 - Lawst Edition

By LawstDragon, in X-Wing Epic Play

This looks very interesting, keep it up ?

That was obviously a mistake, but I can't delete posts ^^ My internet connection broke down, but I didn't notice and clicked on "post" twice more, which the forums accepted in all three instances for some reason.

Im looking at running an Epic game during the Christmas holiday so I have looked thrue your impressive work. I will definately be using these rules.
While reading your materiale, I have made some notes to give some feedback. Its only feedback from reading, so I have not tried them in a game.
In no particular order:
System phase
I think there is something to explore with Epic ships in the System Phase. I realise, that the Charge Mechanic is in relation to movement and how many you get to recover. I just feel, that all the "epic ship management stuff" have a natural place in the system phase. Maybe even have the Epic ships move in the system phase? But its just a feel.
Charge Tokens to Energy Tokens
I really think the existing Energy tokens look great and I miss them in your rules. I would just change the Charges to Energy tokens, and keep you existing Mechanic, so its just a token change. It will also keep the rules clean so you ensure no rules cross contamination between Epic ships and other "normal" ships.
Immunity to "normal" ship abilities
It is unclear if "normal" ships can affect Epic ships. I think Epic ships should be 100% immune to abilities from "normal" ships. So no 4-Lom stress on an Epic ship og IN7 ship shooting from Roark ability.
Crew Thrawn
No actions for Thrawns ability seems steep. How about just one of the sections loose an action.
Are Locks tied to the locking section or can it be used on each section?
Fire control team
To empasise that blanks are bad, how about changing the ability to "...change one of your [eye] results to a [hit] result." or "...change all of your [eye] results to [hit] results."
Immunity to stress and tractor
Its good that the Epic ships are immune to Tracotor tokens.
I also think the EPic ships should be Immune to stress, but its hard to see how they should get them.
I like that is really tough to be hit by Ions.
Cheers 😄

Just wondering, does anyone know approximately when a huge ship conversion kit could be released?

On 11/27/2018 at 7:13 PM, Kelsier16 said:

Just wondering, does anyone know approximately when a huge ship conversion kit could be released?

No, nothing has been announced. But with the current release schedule of Wave 3 I do not see anything coming out for epic before June at the soonest. More likely is a spring announcement with a GenCon/fall release. However, Epic may not be a high priority for FFG right now. With 7 factions they have their hands full with balance and testing those and re-issueing old ships. It's a very crowded market and schedule for them right now, epic can't be too high on the list, sadly.

That’s unfortunate. I prefer epic to standard rules, and I usually just do my entire collection going to war, upwards of 600-700 points per side. I’m getting into 100 (now 200) point games though. I’ll wait. Epic does add a whole new level to the game

Back to the original topic though, the cards look great., excited to try those ideas out.

I agree - Epic is a very interesting addition to the regular play - plus they they are awesome to use in missions/campaigns.

I like to work so far - though i have yet to test it all.

I do look forward to getting the Assault Carrier dial and Rebel Transport Ship (GR-75) - so i hope you guys find the time to make/finish these. But as this is a labour of love, i understand it takes time. I'll keep watching for updates!

I will as well. Take as much time as it takes to make it great!

I really liked this version of epic 2.0 so I decided to make and post some cards for some 3d printed ships I have. Any comments welcome.



Nothing for transport? 😭

Will give this a try.

I should visit this sub forum more often.

Congratulations for this amazing work.

Did you test it since this summer ?

Has anyone made a Corvus “expansion” for the Resistance/Rebellion?

so is this the epic communities official 2.0 port? Was thinking of trying to get back into epic with some weird hybrid of 2.0 and 1.0. Is this the way to do it?


Edited by Croste
Found answer in rules

Great work

Edited by Croste

thanks for doing this

I like what your doing and where your going the only critisam i have is that the skum ships all have the same abilities fore and aft, doubling up on a skill is great in thery but it goes against yuor stated idea of giving the epic ships more flaxability. Skumm and villany dosn't mean chaotic and stupid.

What are people currently using for points for the C-Roc? Looking to playtest this, it looks awesome!

Use the old points and just double it for 2.0.

Awesome work !

Any idea if or when FFG will publish this officially ?

Epic is to valuable to let go.

On 7/20/2018 at 8:00 PM, LawstDragon said:

Salutations All-

Thank you for doing this!!

Great job so far. Looking forward to seeing what else you have for this project. Love the Epic ships so far. Any other ones you are adding or modifying the existing ones (like Scum and there same abilities)?


I very much like the changes since introduction on the forum. I still don't like the Tile layout. I like the idea of six main arcs, three fore and three aft better. I like the concept that all the epic ships would have the same break up of arcs but the shared Arc, while sensible, feels awkward to look at especially on the transport size. I'd post my envisioned diagram but my pic posting on the FFG forum is crud.