RIP Rebel Faction

By Tvboy, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

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Hey FFG, it's not too late to do the right thing and make this card "Rebel Only" like it should have been.

I think this impacts weequays a lot more than rangers

I think you're exaggerating quite a bit. Focus is essentially what, roughly 2 damage? Your opponent is going to spend a valuable deployment point so you get 1 less focus a round.

And they might not even get to use it every round if you focus and shoot in the same round.

Saying that the rebel faction is dead because you don't get a bonus 2 damage in round 1/2 is ridiculous.

Wait where did you find that card also are there others where you found it

Agree that it’s helpful to balance the ease of rebel and merc focus, but not a huge game changer.

But in more substantive matters, the art for this card is great. “Were those the droids we were looking for?” “I don’t know, I’m not sure I even saw any droids!”

Edited by Doordonot

This is no doubt (ha ha) a very good card, and I am guessing it will see a lot of play... but the 1 point opportunity cost is there, the top half is mostly useless against some lists, and you can play around it. It's a soft-ish counter to a playstyle the designers seem to be trying to nerf (loading up a bunch of beneficial conditions round one, then dumping all your damage round 2), and I think it will help. It looks like one of the new skirmish missions (Blitz or something) will help with this too by pushing everyone right into the action.

As a thought experiment - what if all beneficial conditions disappeared at the end of each round? Or just at the end of round 1? Most beneficial conditions in X-Wing disappear at the end of the round, and that seems to work well (though X-Wing is a very different game, so I don't know...)

Deplete means you remove the card from gameplay for that round, right? Do you still get the end of the round effect if tje card is depleted?

deplete removes all abilities from the card, so no.

Above is Han's damage graphs for an 8 range shot with focus vs without focus. This doesn't include rerolls or hera because i'm too lazy to do the full math right now, but you get the picture. The lack of focus increases han's chance to completely whiff on an attack by 32% from this range. With Focus your average dmg vs a black die is 5.58 vs 2.54 without focus, more than a 3 dmg difference. Hitting 6 dmg on a Han shot is a pretty big impact compared with a 4 damage shot. When you factor in cards, Hera, Agile and Zillo, Losing focus is the difference between Han killing a Jet in one attack, and leaving it alive with a couple health. Leaving a Jet alive with your EoR shot is a big impact in what is already a fairly even matchup (Han/Rangers vs Unshakeable Vader).

Either focus is a broken mechanic and losing a focus is a big deal, or focus is not a big deal and losing it doesnt matter. You can't argue that both Focus is too strong AND that losing focus has a negligible impact.

8 range vs 2 black dice (no rerolls):
Focused: 4.67 avg dmg
Unfocused: 1.41
Difference: 3.26 dmg

Point blank vs 2 black dice (no rerolls):
Focused: 5.03 avg dmg
Unfocused: 2.55
Difference: 2.48 dmg

If you lose 2 focuses, that's an average of 5.74 damage you missed on Vader (one shot from 8 range, one from 0).

Edited by brettpkelly

The outlook is actually just as bad if not worse for eRangers (again not factoring in rerolls, which make focus even better):

average damage at 8 range vs 2 black dice:
focused: 3.57
unfocused: .69
Difference: 2.88

At 8 range it's gonna take an average of 19 unfocused attacks + Assassinate to kill vader with elite rangers vs. 4 attacks with focused rangers and assassinate

2 hours ago, Stompburger said:

As a thought experiment - what if all beneficial conditions disappeared at the end of each round? Or just at the end of round 1? Most beneficial conditions in X-Wing disappear at the end of the round, and that seems to work well (though X-Wing is a very different game, so I don't know...)

That's a major change and would likely completely eliminate all beneficial conditions

Why would I want to Hide myself if I know it'll just go away? Better to spend the surge on +damage

1 hour ago, buckero0 said:

Deplete means you remove the card from gameplay for that round, right? Do you still get the end of the round effect if tje card is depleted?

No, deplete means the entire card is gone from the current mission forever, not just that round

So the top half ability would also go away

Without going into the numbers etc. I think Doubt is an extremely interesting card. It basically has the potential to completely change, what was/is currently, the normal flow of the game. As any other good Scum player (and Rebel player) I like to focus up my Weequays or Greedo on turn 1. I'll probably still do this, but now I'll have to consider if I could possibly spend that Focus on this turn if I picked another figure or made another move.

Much more interesting is turn 2. Here I often find myself without time to use Jabba/C-3PO early on, because I need to deliver my firepower (and my firepower is already focused). Thus, they often end up being activated rather late in round 2, prepping for the cleanup in round 3. This may be about to change a lot. You'll probably still deliver the firepower in the first and second activation, but then you need to squeeze Jabba in there, to get use of him.

Very interesting. Unfortunately I think it hit's Jabba a little harder because most of the time he just does Focus/Draw. If there is no reason to Focus, then he doesn't have much to do with the second action. This might finally move me into the Single Purpose Jabba.

Power Tokens, IG-88 (and other auto focus) and Hera is the big winners here for sure. Losing a power token out of say three from the Clawdite is obviously less than losing a Focus from Jabba. Finally, I really like the last part of Doubt. When is the right time to say goodbye to the card? Probably not turn 2, but there is a lot of decisionmaking there.

While Doubt seems to hit Rebels and Mercs more heavily because focus is generally speaking better than power tokens, it will still affect Imperial lists with the Death Troopers handing out tokens and riot troopers beefing themselves up (for example), and other figures like Agent Blaise (handing out hidden) if he ever made a comeback. Pairing this with combos like CT (when he comes out) and palpatine w/ disorient will be pretty sick too. maybe in some imperial lists you could fit doubt along with zillo and rule by fear, but in other lists i just imagine rule by fear getting dropped in favor for the focus removal. Tough Luck was already especially powerful with weequays, i see it being an auto-include with any list running Doubt for sure.

The irony of the artwork is that c3po is riding into the sunset, as if his focus powerhouse is going along with him...

Oh man. I'm convinced Tyrants will be the biggest shakeup to the meta since Jabba's Realm, in a very good good way.

Doubt triggers at the end of round step. You just need to spend conditions during the round you get them.

I.e. you can't spend a round to prepare for next round.

Edited by a1bert

I don't think Imperial army see Focus as much as Rebel and Mercenaries, who are abusing the Rebel Care Package (RCP) and spending Round 1 beefing/Focusing up to prepare for Round 2. I am extremely happy FFG decided to create all these debuff mechanics

6 hours ago, brettpkelly said:

The outlook is actually just as bad if not worse for eRangers (again not factoring in rerolls, which make focus even better):

average damage at 8 range vs 2 black dice:
focused: 3.57
unfocused: .69
Difference: 2.88

At 8 range it's gonna take an average of 19 unfocused attacks + Assassinate to kill vader with elite rangers vs. 4 attacks with focused rangers and assassinate

Perhaps that's the point? These sniper battles were boring as heck to large portion of players. Perhaps Doubt is too much and Rebels are actually D-E-D dead, maybe it's too little and people will continue to play Hunter Snipers anyway, but the fact that "step out, annihilate a figure in one shot, step back" is no longer the most viable play style (at least in theory) in the game is a GOOD THING.

Also, NOBODY HAS PLAYED WITH THIS CARD YET. We've yet to see 3 different figure packs (one of them Rebel) and who knows how many command cards. Let's hold off on the Chicken Littleing until after the meta has hada chance to balance out post release.

They're trying everything they can to make melee and unique figures viable without making them unbalanced. The map selection, new figures, soon to be released figures and map, etc. The goal is for all types to be viable

Looks like Gary the Stormtrooper finally made it into the game.

"Daddy! You're not even trying! They were the droids you were looking for!"

4 hours ago, ThatJakeGuy said:

Also, NOBODY HAS PLAYED WITH THIS CARD YET. We've yet to see 3 different figure packs (one of them Rebel) and who knows how many command cards. Let's hold off on the Chicken Littleing until after the meta has hada chance to balance out post release.

It only gets rid of 1 focus or 1 hidden or 1 power token at a time though. The reason most play Ranger/Hunters is because there are 3 and there are so many ways to get them focused, 3PO, Gideon, Inspiring speech, Primary Target, etc.

I echo the sentiment, that it's a bit premature. It does make the shine come off of Gideon and 3 P0 a little bit but they are still must-takes

1 hour ago, buckero0 said:

It only gets rid of 1 focus or 1 hidden or 1 power token at a time though.

That's important. It makes going into end of round with multiple focuses worse, and going into end of round having 1 focus the same as having no focus, but it doesn't mean you can't use focus anymore.

It's actually a buff to power tokens I think, because losing a power token isn't nearly as bad as losing a focus.

It's also a harder Nerf to figures with surges that give them beneficial conditions than it is to figures who give beneficial conditions to others, since you have no chance to spend your condition before losing it if you get it from a surge.

Isn't this what we've all been waiting for? Something to shift the focus (:)) ?

Something to level the playing field away from scum hunters, han rangers. It promotes diversity, and I think diversity is at the core of what makes is fun. What if power tokens become almost as powerful as focus? They are more versatile.

I think this builds IA skirmish more towards an environment in which an official ffg dynamic pricing app keeps the game alive, too.

Sure, this means Vader is harder to kill if he has this card behind him, but that's at the price of rbf or zillo. Vader is good but good players clearly know how to play against him i.e. top world's outcome.

1 hour ago, cbuss said:

Isn't this what we've all been waiting for? Something to shift the focus (:)) ?

Something to level the playing field away from scum hunters, han rangers. It promotes diversity, and I think diversity is at the core of what makes is fun. What if power tokens become almost as powerful as focus? They are more versatile.

  I think this builds IA skirmish more towards an environment in which an official ffg dynamic pricing app keeps the game alive, too.

Sure, this means Vader is harder to kill if he has this card behind him, but that's at the price of rbf or zillo. Vader is   good but good players clearly know how to play against him i.e. top world's outcome.  

Pretty sure Vader was the most common Unique attacker in the top 16 at worlds

8 minutes ago, brettpkelly said:

Pretty sure Vader was the most common Unique attacker in the top 16 at worlds

Touche! I was thinking top 4 and top two. He is indeed rampant. But I assume based on your math above, the run away tactic will be increasingly popular.

It screws with Round 1 Inspiring Speech for Imperials

It halves the potential of a double focused-double hidden eWeequay deployment or removes the "Greedo Insurance" before its spent if he didn't manage a shot on turn 1.

If you have initiative and the enemy Han has a focus, you remove his focus before his end of round attack. Pretty good for that situation but other than that its not a big game changer.

You spend 1 List point to remove 1 thing at the end of round 1 - and then MAYBE another thing at the end of round 2

It can look strong since its an automatic thing but it can be played around it.

It does add options but its not an auto-include for competitive play like some claimed (on facebook comments is where I've seen such a comment)