Organized Play Results

By kennydkbrown, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I am getting serious about aggregating as much OP information as I can get. If you have a store champ, or if you have an 8+ kit tournament, please let me know the lists of the top four finishers. If you don't know the lists in details, the archetype will suffice (IG Pirates 8 Acts, Han Rangers w/3 rSmugglers, etc.). I'd also like to know the date and location of the tournament, as well as the total number of players.

I'd LOVE it if you posted the results on the #battle-reports channel in the Zion's Finest Slack, but you can also post them here, message me here, or email them to me at [email protected].

I am posting the results here:

And will continue to update it as I get more info.

Thank you all so much!

Edited by kennydkbrown

I'll bring this thread up again too, as maybe you may have more luck getting sparking interest. I think it could be really cool.