Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

54 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Also are any of you on discord?


8 hours ago, TheShard said:

Cathy i think the conversation I'm trying to have is how to make this work.

Tramp if you don't mind sitting back and letting me take this up, i think your doing your concern a disservice the way your articulating it.

I do get tramps objection. Jedi don't really get along with the darkside. Its the theme of at least 7 star wars movies. So having all this conflicting view points actually all teaching together seems far fetched, at least until this develops more. Which i think is a fair concern.

I'm not looking for tiers, or to be anyone's lacky. Its not gonna happen so lets put that aside. No one's gonna tolerate that.

Would people be ok with the jedi starting a jedi school. And all of us being thrown together? I think that works best thematically and gives a lot of room to satisfy everyone. That is unless people all want to be school teachers, then that would require us to figure how that will work to satisfy ALL parties.

Have at it. You probably can articulate it better than I can.

Pretty much the problem with having dark and slightly off-light characters in a group of light siders can be solved using the following suggestions:

  • Train different alignments at different parts of the training area, or different sights, or different ******* systems as far as it goes.
  • Have those who are nervous watch over the training to make sure nothing sinister etc happens imperial inquisitor style.
  • Split into two separate groups long-term which would most likely translate into two separate campaigns eventually.
  • Holy war, winner decides how things are done.

The easiest will be either the second or the fourth option in my opinion, and will lead to the least faffing on during missions and training.

Honestly though at this stage my ability to care has been reduced dramatically. I am ******* knackered gm'ing this thing and really getting tired of these arguments and endless debates. Again, I should have done a session 0, that's my bad, but it what it is now. My final point on the debate about different alignments is this:

We have a common enemy, so may as well team up to stop everyone getting spanked by the First Order. People who are nervous about others working unsupervised can watch to make sure there's no funny business, everyone's a winner. OOC actively try to make it work as a group, with such a varied group of characters ic reasoning on its own is not going to cut it, we all have to be willing to work together OOC and bend characters a little here and there to mesh.

I will leave you with this:

It can work, we can make it work and if we do it will be pretty sick.

Of those four options, I’d vote for option 2.

6 hours ago, SithArissa said:

So you're saying ' play how I want you to or I wont interact with your character' you're exactly the same as tramp.

Actually I don't think @TheShard is exactly the same as @Tramp Graphics , The shard seems to have said if we can come up with a plausible scenario/explanation then he's good with a "mixed" party. Tramp is no way no how, except for a brief transitional period. Tramp is abrasive, in your face OCD, my way or the highway. The shard is politely assertive. The shard is a player who will compromise, but wants everyone to agree to the compromise up front so it's not a problem later. They are very different people even if they are playing characters with a similar sense of morality.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Of those four options, I’d vote for option 2.

That does mean you have to USUALLY put OOC reasoning ahead of IC reasoning a.k.a. get creative with IC to make it fit the OOC right call.

Teaming up against a common enemy is fine by me. My two cents is that Jonas would be uninterested in fighting the First Order as a government . He didn't fight a war against the Separatists and he's not about to start fighting wars now. He'd totally be in for fighting darkside force users in the First Order.

Arvel, my padawan character, mostly wants to kill every member of the First Order he can find. But as a future padawan, he gets less of a choice:)

What i purpose is a mix of those options.

As a group, students and teachers are together for a common cause. The jedi are trying to reestablish the order, and because of that the school.

Everyone else has their own personal reason for training someone.

We are all forced to sort of train together, begrudgingly to get ti the level where we can all face this common foe.

We can both play on the drama of "seperate" teams but not have to have them actually seperate.

Edited by TheShard

However if we wanna play foes lets first get on as friends in ooc.

What aspects of each other's "frenemy" do we look forward to clashing with?

Mine is totally Arissa. Drez'n will show a bit of vanity as jealousy of her dueling skills creeps in. This combined with the fact she is doing with the darkside makes him wanna prove his skills as a champion of the light.

Looking forward to lots of moral philosophy discussions!

Elias was thinking he was pretty adept with a saber (having far surpassed his former master, Korath, in this are) but after seeing seeing the rest of the masters, he'd conclude that he's only slightly above average (on par with Akua), with a long way to go to catch up with the likes of Arissa and Drez'n. So a friendly rivalry (an iron sharpens iron kind of thing) with Akua, and he'd be looking to take saber lessons from both Arissa and Drez'n. Chemdat would have a crush on Arissa, "the bad girl sexy twi'lek, who could show him the quick and easy path to power." Elias would have a problem with any darkside philosophy but not Arissa teaching chemdat to use a saber well, and they'd probably take saber lessons from Arissa together (with Elias' secondary purpose of supervising what gets taught to his brother).

As long as Arissa plays nice he'd figure (if he knew Arissa was a wanna be sith) that the other jedi who personally never encountered sith were reacting to a stereotype. Of course there are bad sith but there are also bad Ysanna and Jedi, and even if the majority of sith are bad it doesn't mean Arissa is all bad to the point of being a severe danger to the galaxy. Elias is used to others being unfairly prejudiced because he was one half of an inter-species couple (his significant other being a female Zeltron named Trixi Troubelle) and encountered a lot of bias because of it, even from his own family.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Now he'll claim that battles are rarely fought 1 on 1 and concentrating on your dueling skills distorts your overall development making you lopsided, weak in neglected areas. True or not, this wouldn't be the full reason for him to feel the need to qualify her skillfullness.

16 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

That does mean you have to USUALLY put OOC reasoning ahead of IC reasoning a.k.a. get creative with IC to make it fit the OOC right call.

Not really, no. There are plenty of in character reasons for this, one of them being survival .

Time for a vote

Can avalon use conjure on a kyber cystal to make a phantom lightsaber?

I vote no , since it is against the RAW, and breaks the power as written.

2 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

Time for a vote

Can avalon use conjure on a kyber cystal to make a phantom lightsaber?

Pick up conjure from the mystic book to be able to summon melee weapons and even creatures at mastery.

Just now, SithArissa said:

Pick up conjure from the mystic book to be able to summon melee weapons and even creatures at mastery.

is that a yes or a no?

Just now, Stormbourne said:

is that a yes or a no?

I don't think crystals are included. Swords are for sure.

1 minute ago, SithArissa said:

I don't think crystals are included. Swords are for sure.

the question is
with the aid of a kyber crystal would conjure be able to make a lightsaber? yes or no

1 minute ago, Stormbourne said:

the question is
with the aid of a kyber crystal would conjure be able to make a lightsaber? yes or no

No it says simple weapons no complicated or moving parts.

That's getting into rule of cool territory...

Maybe come up with stats in between the melee and saber stats. Conjur is "powering" the crystal but its not the same as a proper lightsaber.

My take would be that with the conjure force power, Avalon could conjure a melee weapon that looks like a lightsaber but follows the RAW for conjuring a sword.

3 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Not really, no. There are plenty of in character reasons for this, one of them being survival .

You seem to have completely missed the obvious, so I willre spell it out plainly. Coming up with an in character reason to justify good ooc decisions, is the POINT of what I said, it's not a counter argument.

Edit: figuring that you are still missing the obvious so I will elaborate...

But it starts with making good OOC decisions rather naturally following from the most obvious in character reasons

Edited by EliasWindrider

IMaybe he cant conjoure a saber but you can conjure items. Perhaps he can do a hard discipline check to conjure the crystal itself? Giving the blade a ghostly look.

1 hour ago, SithArissa said:

IMaybe he cant conjoure a saber but you can conjure items. Perhaps he can do a hard discipline check to conjure the crystal itself? Giving the blade a ghostly look.

more then happy to make it a combined check either hard or formidable

alternatively though i don't think rabo will like this due to "trying to add new powers" a separate power tree similar to wardes foresight and jessaras influence being avanced version of foresee and influence (also it's bit rushed my have under costed things here)

Phantom Lightsaber (conjure for lightsabers)

30 points Base power:

4 FP to create a phantom lightsaber with the crystals base stats (must posses a kyber crystal)



25 points Duration:

dedicate 2 FD to sustain phantom lightsaber

25 points Strength: spend 2 FP to add one of the crystals mods. may add that same mod a number of time equal to number of mods on the crystal or ranks in control




25 points Strength: spend 2 FP to add one of the crystals mods. may add that same mod a number of time equal to number of mods on the crystal or ranks in control

25 points Strength: spend 2 FP to add one of the crystals mods. may add that same mod a number of time equal to number of mods on the crystal or ranks in control

20 points Range:

spend 1 FP to increase the range the lightsaber can be conjured and sustained by 1 (to max of extreme)



40 points Duration:

dedicate 1 FD to sustain phantom lightsaber

30 points Magnitude: spend 4 FP to summon an identical ligfhtsaber

30 points Strength: spend 2 FP to add one of the crystals mods. may add that same mod a number of time equal to number of mods on the crystal or ranks in control

50 points Mastery: if disarmed may flip one destiny to have the lightsaber return by the beginning of your next turn


as an example the illum crystal has 4 +1 dmg mods to unlock all of them you would need all four ranks in control