Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

2 hours ago, TheShard said:

I'm not looking    for tiers, or to be anyone's lacky. Its not gonna happen so  lets put that aside. No one's gonna tolerate that.

This is easy to say from the viewpoint of a Jedi, who is making the rules for how other characters can play the game.

On July 24, 2018 at 11:43 PM, SithArissa said:

Typically Jedi hypocrisy. Think my way or you're the bad guy.

11 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Typically  Jedi hypocrisy. Think my way or you're the bad  guy.

This is typical fear mongering. Tramp himself said he didnt know what Arissa or Rabo had planned for the character. With zero evidence that Arissa would be a bad teacher, he is stirring up drama to take control away from other players.

How long before he decides she should not be apart of the game? How long before he decides all the non Jedi are not fit to be in the game? Will the players of non-Jedi characters be allowed to GM?

@TheShard you will not tolerate being a lacky, how do you feel about Tramp claiming 100% authority on the Jedi Star? How long before you disagree with Tramp and he tries to take the control of your character away from you?

I'm not making rules nor trying to decide what offers are doing. I'm pointing out an ic problem, and purposing in here, ooc to talk about.

What i agree with tramp on, is as is both our characters would have to be played opposite to how we would like them to in order to make this work, at least as things stand now.

I'm not interested in separating either in ic or ooc into privileged or non.

I'm trying to come up with a plausible ic justification for us to become a unified party. Perhaps the school doesn't have to be that reason.

Teaching should be narrative only. And teaching as a jedi at a jedi school shouldn't come with any benefits. Its just a story hook.

11 minutes ago, TheShard said:

as is         both our characters would have to be     played opposite to how we would like them to in order to   make this work  

Are both of you willing to make sacrifices to play in the campaign? At this point in time there is no compromises being made. Its the Jedi characters way or no way.

Edited by CathyKitten

Its not the bad teacher part that's the challenge, its the darkside. Or its the murderousness.

A jedi is responsible to protect others. High collateral damage and gratuitous violence is going to breed pc vs pc conflict.

If thats an agreed upon element, we can begin to negotiate a path forward we all are happy with.

I dont think this has anything to do with being a Jedi. Other than this was purposed as a jedi school.

As of now I'm making purposals. The only "way, is what we all agree on.

If you have a proposal to make... Make it...

40 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

This is typical fear mongering. Tramp himself said he didnt know what Arissa or Rabo had planned for the character. With zero evidence that Arissa would be a bad teacher, he is stirring up drama to take control away from other players.

How long before he decides she should not be apart of the game? How long before he decides all the non Jedi are not fit to be in the game? Will the players of non-Jedi characters be allowed to GM?

@TheShard you will not tolerate being a lacky, how do you feel about Tramp claiming 100% authority on the Jedi Star? How long before you disagree with Tramp and he tries to take the control of your character away from you?

As far as the star... I have cortosis armor and he gets a ship. I'm fine with that. I'll give him the respect a captain deserves. However thats just a ship. My character isn't beholden to him because of that.

Edited by TheShard
6 minutes ago, TheShard said:

As of now I'm making purposals. The only "way, is what we all agree on.

If you have a proposal to make... Make it...

Yes, players are allowed to play thier characters how they want without a council and vote everytime a situation comes up where one player is forcing others to play his way. I have already explained the reasons I have for Ro'Ka murdering innocents, its called character arc and development. The assumption that the non-Jedi characters will be interfereing with the narrative, is absurd.

Quite frankly it is saying that the players have no idea how they plan to fit thier characters inside the game. Those characters are complex and interesting. What a boring campign it would be with all Lawful Good Jedi training equally Lawful Good padawons.

My question to the group of these Jedi teachers is how will you deal with a non light side padawon? Kick them out the first time they show dark side force use? If not, how is that any different from a dark side Master?

30 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

Yes  , players are allowed to play thier characters how they want  without a council and vote everytime a situation comes up where one player is forcing others to play his  way. I have already explained the reasons I have for Ro  '  Ka murdering innocents, its called character arc and      development. The assumption that the non-Jedi characters will be interfereing with the narrative  , is absurd. 

While i think Tramp is often pushy, ocd etc. He isn't the only issue here. Your not all that different. Both of you offer no compromise. And want to play morally diametrically opposed characters without out addressing and planning for the conflict which will inevitably arise.

You two have beef from another game that's entering this one. That needs to be left outta here.

Also please be careful insinuating there is some jedi control conspiracy.

I'm a player who has a take it or leave it attitude to this pbp. I have nothing to loose or gain here. I'm certainly not demanding obedience or privilege as you've suggested. I don't appreciate that. I'm trying to negotiate a settlement to our differences. And plan a course together.

I have qualified all my concerns with something like, "as it now stands". Because things can change. However i feel there is a better chance of proceeding with less resentment and hurt feelings if we talk abput how we want this to go and not just assume things will work themselves out.

I have a question for you. If it was Drez'n, and had asked you to disarm them, and you mudered them instead, because killing people who arnt an immediate threat is murder,and Drez'n used protect to block you from doing that would you be upset? Would you feel I'm preventing you from playing your character?

Drez'n is searching for others to rebuild the order with. That's how this was purposed and its why i picked Drez'n cause it fit. Drez'n is at 50 morality because he has hid out instead of taking on evil. Its the right decision tactically but it weighs heavy on his heart.

He is a gentle giant type pc even though he's fairly short. He hates egotism, injustice and oppression. Those are the darkside. The light is compassion, love and justice.

He will endeavor to instill that in his students.

I don't see a reason why someone would seek a Jedi's teaching if they were not interested in their particular perspective.

Now Drez'n isn't the prequel kind of Jedi. He also harkens back to the older tenants. However he's not gonna arm a morally ambiguous person with the force. Not without very extenuating circumstances.

Especially as a teacher specializing in the martial side of the force he would be very careful who learns to kill with his teachings.

Edited by TheShard
17 minutes ago, TheShard said:

You two        have beef from another game that's entering this one. That needs  to be left outta here   . 

This is my first PBP.

17 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Both  of you offer no compromis   e  . 

I literally just offered a compromise.

18 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I have            a question for you. If it was Drez'n, and had asked you to disarm them, and you mudered them instead, because killing people who arnt an immediate threat is murder,and Drez'n used protect to block you  from doing that would you be upset? Would you feel I'm  preventing you from playing your character?

See that is the difference, I was showing Ro'Ka was still unstable, but will to comply to the interagation. Which she did. If your character was able to react to save them that is a great balance. What you are not describing is OOC trying to flip a DP to undo what i was doing with the character. You would be welcome to play your character how you see fit and I play mine. Threatening to arrest another player or forcing them to fit your narrative is what is unacceptable.

11 minutes ago, TheShard said:

However  he's not gonna arm a morally ambiguous person  with the force.

To clarify, all the padawons must be light side and not grey or dark?

I think I've found a good comprise, all the Jedi and Light side padawon train on the Jedi Star. The non Jedi masters and grey or dark side padawons train at a separate location. Should solve everyones problems.

Edited by CathyKitten

I'm sorry i thought you were the one who complained about how tramp acted in another pbp. My apologies.

However I dont see a compromise there. I see you playing how you want. Which is obviously not fun for tramp. Its a sign of future trouble if we don't all agree on what goals we all have. Both of you are at odds so I'm trying to figure out a more general compromise, one that plans a bit what we expect from the campaign.

Could your character's murderousness be an interesting plot hook and story arc absolutely! Only if we all are on the same page however.

Depends on what you mean by grey. To me that means someone in conflict. Its a transitional state. You can't be both light and dark. If you feed on fear and hate, Drez'n will seek to show you a better way.

However if the student just wants to have the moral flexibility to kill things without consequence or to be edgy than no. He would not teach them. There is no sensical reason why somone who is trying to become a paragon would do that.

And no, yoda aint teaching darksiders neither is Drez'n.

People who want his teachings will have to be at their core people who are good and want to see the galaxy a better place, who are willing to work to be better people, less selfish, less angry, less spiteful. People who will dedicate themselves to helping others.

Edited by TheShard

So you're saying ' play how I want you to or I wont interact with your character' you're exactly the same as tramp.

29 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

I think  I've found a good comprise, all the Jedi and Light  side padawon train on the Jedi Star. The non Jedi masters and grey or dark side padawons train at a separate  location. Should solve everyones problems.

@Rabobankrider @Lotr_Nerd @Tramp Graphics @TheShard @SithArissa @Stormbourne @Jonas Shaaf who did i forget other than player 3 whose number i dont remeber.

Edited by CathyKitten

Did i mention not interacting with your character? I've been pretty understanding of all parties and have tried to facilitate a conversation.

I think that's a fine compromise.

However my concern is what is the goals or intentions for even having us all be working together. What motivates us to be a team?

12 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

So you're saying ' play how I want you to or I wont interact with your character' you're exactly the same as tramp.

Look if you wanna reduce paragraphs of text to that i can't stop you. But I've only said... And I'm gonna take a page from tramp's book.. I'VE ONLY SAID WHAT MY CHARACTER WILL OR WON'T DO.

It sounds like you want me to play to accommodate you.

I've never said you can or can't do anything.

Edited by TheShard

I think you need to up your suspension of disbelief shard. We're playing a game. We don't need every nuance planned to the um-th degree. Let the game grow organically.

That's fine when we start on the same page, at least roughly. We've had conflict. I'd like to plan around that.

I would assume Drez'n isn't a fan of the First Order? Neither is Arissa. Idk what @Rabobankrider has planned but destroying them is a good starting point. Arissa knows well fine she wouldn't be able to do it alone and if that ment 'behaving herself' at least while the Jedi are within sight she would do it to reach her goal.

Ok that makes sense. So your fine with a alliance of desperate allies?

The enemy of my enemy yeah. And should Arissa begin to go up in morality she'll become more accommodating to your views. Still there will be some conflict, but nothing requiring combat IC.

Ok. I think that works!

Lets leave the school/apprentice bit and it's particulars to each pc or group.

If your willing I've got an idea. But Arissa in particular I'd need to consult with... However this would totally run roughshod over whatever they got planned for 9. I think it'd be fun though.

Also are any of you on discord?