Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

So @Rabobankrider I've stated my case and apparently "caused" two drop outs over this. So I'll accept how you wanna rule it.

Which is something I've proclaimed before and apparently was not enough of a disclaimer to prevent freakouts.

@TheShard , I mean, I told you to fight with the gear you had. Also I wouldn't be calling people leaving 'freakouts', it's pretty justified to be fair to them, and it doesn't really help the situation, at all.

As I said I had no gear. It was never clarified. Just do whatever. I asked more than once and that's the best answer I got. The load out people assumed was what was made for a competition on these boards but was never for this.

Edited by TheShard

Signature characters get an additional 18,000 credits for customized gear/lightsabers or whatever said character originally had from his/her original campaign if he or she is a previously played character. 

This was a part of the character generation instructions way back at the start of game. That amount of credits should have what equipment you wanted to buy. Also checking your swsheet, you do have gave, so I'm a bit confused about this whole thing. What was it you needed clarification on?

Well that rule was not at all clear as a decision.

So the gear I would actually have for the character is the disputed gear.

This is his ancestor.

No mods have yet to be done and the crossguards actually just got added post the sheet. However this would be the foundation that would be inherited. So considering Barlo is early in the campaign and will probably hit 1000+ by it's end. The mods and attachments would be the reflection of further tinkering.

If you disagree with that gear and want me to stick to 18000 then I wouldn't have a greatsaber or half of the rest of even the truncated list on the incomplete swsheet listing. The swsheet by the way is actually incorrect. Just FYI. I have to reconcile it with the actual PDF. And I lost the PDF on my phone till more recently.

So that was what was unclear. Because everyone's gear is over 18000 it seems.

The gear I listed that was objectionable was intended to be recovered. Either by going around and picking it back up from the places it's been left for safe keeping or reforging it. Which is the idea for the saber and armor. It is broken. It must be fixed. Both essentially need special forges. I was hoping for a sort of Thor forging his Thanos killer hammer-axe via star in infinity war moment.

Edited by TheShard

And yes that sheet is accurate the gm gave us an extra dedication and fr increase as a grant. Thought it was op, but so far I've been incapacitated or close the last 4 out 6 combat encounters.

Edited by TheShard
38 minutes ago, TheShard said:

So that was what was unclear. Because everyone's gear is over 18000 it seems

Not me. I followed the character creation rules to the letter.

I also stuck to the 180,000 credits. The amount of effort I want to put into dealing with this **** is rapidly diminishing. So I'm going to say unless any future gm's have an issue with the load-out, leave it as it is so we can get on with this ******* campaign.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

leave  it as it is so we can get on with this *******  campaign. 

Lol! For a campaign thats supposed to be about the *padawan* people are really agonizing over the masters.... 😜

@Jonas Shaaf , very true. The great thing with star wars is that if you are a teacher of any kind, you must inevitably die a heroic death, usually before the end of the first film... 😛

On 2/17/2019 at 3:46 PM, Jonas Shaaf said:

Not me. I followed the character creation rules to the letter.


Ok so you said we need players.

I put up an ad on swrpg discord server and got a few replies any criteria we should have?

Not easy to frustrate, that's going to be a must for this game.

4 hours ago, TheShard said:

Ok so you said we need players.

I put up an ad on swrpg discord server and got a few replies any criteria we should have?

Just what’s in the first post of the Prep thread.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Not easy to frustrate, that's going to be a must for this game.

That too. 🤔 😈

Well give me a list of questions to give them otherwise I'm gonna drop them all a link to this thread and you all can sort em

Edited by TheShard
12 hours ago, TheShard said:

Well give me a list of questions to give them otherwise I'm gonna drop them all a link to this thread and you all can sort em



I am restarting the mixed level TFA/TLJ era campaign and recruiting people for it. I'm looking for at least five to seven players , with at least three willing to split/alternate GM duties.

As before, each player needs two characters :

  • One, a native Force and Destiny Starting XP character, built by RAW. These will be training to become a new generation of Jedi.
  • One 1500-2000 XP "master level" character from any AoR, EotE, or F&D career.
    • Newly made Master level characters get 1500 XP while previously played Master level characters can keep any XP they've earned from their previous campaign up to 2000 XP.
    • "Signature" character should ideally be one you have played before, though that is not a requirement.
    • Signature characters get an additional 18,000 credits for customized gear/lightsabers or whatever said character originally had from his/her original campaign if he or she is a previously played character.
    • Converted D6/D20 characters are welcome.
  • All Lightsabers will be built using lightsaber crafting rules from Endless Vigil.
  • No Ilum Crystals. Ilum is lost/destroyed, and therefore its crystals are unavailable.
  • Each character can be of any species from any of the books, as well as from the Unofficial Species Menagerie .
  • All careers, specializations, and Signature Abilities from all source books are open, except for the Retired Clone Trooper (given the time frame, no clones are likely to still be alive).
  • Each character will use the mechanic (Duty, Morality, Obligation) appropriate for his career.
  • No player's Master level character will be mentoring his own Starting character, nor have any connection between them.
  • At least three Players will alternate GM duties, and for some adventures/sessions split the party, each GMing a group.

Once assembled, the party will be headquartered on the Jedi Star .

Anyway you wanna decide which players join I have like 6 interested.

Just now, TheShard said:

Anyway you wanna decide which players join I have like 6 interested.

Let them all join, let's see their characters.

How about this.

They make characters and submit an application, I don't think @Rabobankrider wants 8 players in this pbp.

So how about this for questions...

What do you want from a pbp?

What will you bring to the game?

How often can you post?

What's the longest running game you've played in?

10 minutes ago, TheShard said:

How about this.

They make characters and submit an application, I don't think @Rabobankrider wants 8 players in this pbp.

So how about this for questions...

What do you want from a pbp?

What will you bring to the game?

How often can you post?

What's the longest running game you've played in?

We can have up to eleven players (22 characters), since that's the maximum capacity for the ship.

I'm not talking about a capacity for a fictional ship I'm talking about the real world limit of a functional game where people are not waiting forever for their turn.

26 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I'm not talking about a capacity for a fictional ship I'm talking about the real world limit of a functional game where people are not waiting forever for their turn.

We started with 10 players, so...

Besides, there will be times when the party splits into smaller groups each run by a separate GM (as with the Gathering). So, the limit is 11. Take them in the order they responded; first come first served. I do have a couple of invites out already as well. @Leia Hourglass said she might join in as well.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@Tramp Graphics , we CANNOT have 11 players. I will not be dealing with the ball ache of gm'ing 22 different characters. No gm will want to deal with 22 pc's, and considering you've declared you plan to gm the crystal collection part while simultaneously saying you are not an experienced gm, YOU cannot deal with 11 players and 22 characters. Nope, absolutely not gonna deal with that.


I'm gonna suggest 6 players max, 7 if you wanna live dangerously.

20 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , we CANNOT have 11 players. I will not be dealing with the ball ache of gm'ing 22 different characters. No gm will want to deal with 22 pc's, and considering you've declared you plan to gm the crystal collection part while simultaneously saying you are not an experienced gm, YOU cannot deal with 11 players and 22 characters. Nope, absolutely not gonna deal with that.

You're right, but I had not intention of doing so anyway since I want to split the party between two to three GMs for the Gathering (each running a group of about 3-4 starting PCs), with my starting character being in one of the parties run by the other GM(s). This way all players can actively participate in that event. That's why I wanted to get a total group of at least 6-9 players.

Edited by Tramp Graphics