Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

What do you guys think about this lightsaber sound font for a dragite gem? Here's the description from the "Force and Destiny" RPG core rulebook

Small, dull, and brittle, Dragite gems are found in the caves and caverns of the D'olop mountain range on M'haeli, an agriworld in the Expansion Region. In their natural state, dragite crystals are one of the most brittle Khyber crystals, and they produce a loud ringing when struck. Worked into a suitable lightsaber crystal, a difficult task due to the dragite gem's distressing tendency to fracture or shatter easily, it produces a blade that pulses and hums loudly. In addition to this noise, when a lightsaber equipped with a dragite gem strikes a solid target, it produces a deafening crack and a shock wave that can disorient and even cause bodily harm to its target. A dragite gem is a lightsaber crystal.

the "mace" saber I ordered for my son's 5th birthday present will have shatterpoint, rogue, and fates 2 by "rob madcow"/genesis custom sabers guy plus invictus. My rev-n with a custom pommel (to extend the gripping area to about 11 inches) will have the rev-n soundfont by saber baron, rogue and fates 2 by mad cow, and invictus by shameem.


1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

im sorry but why does she have diamond cutter nipples?

Dude don't you now about the polar vortex

How do you feel about mindful assessment?


Edited by TheShard

You significantly upgraded that lightsaber... a double bladed cross guard lightsaber is nonsensical as is attaching a defensive lightsaber to armor when using a double bladed lightsaber, and the flickerphase blade...

This was supposed to be character vs. Character, but you seem to be going for a huge equipment advantage here, if this is going to be an arms race then either I'm going to do the same or not participate.

So the 4 choices are

1) an equivalent gear load out at a "low credit level"

2) an equivalent gear load out at a "medium credit level"

3) an equivalent gear load out at a "high credit level"

4) we don't do this.

Edited by EliasWindrider

I'm had already assumed gear would need to be addressed. Not trying to game anything but this besides a few things just got crafted last week in my Barlo Bercilak game (his ancestor who he inherited the armor from).

The issue is with gear the Bercilaks are master bladesmiths. If you have an equivalent gear load out then the xp invested in crafting doesn't matter. In essence I should narratively have a much better blade then most of the party. Is a defining factor of his character.

So the blade as shown below certainly has a reason for a cross guard. It's also double, but not in the traditional sense, rarely is more than one blade ignited at a time. Rather flickering on and off as need.

The shield used much like a roman legionnaire, has the saber built into an automated weapons mount. The Automated quality of the mount is that the bladed shield (which is essentially gives the shield the ability to press against the attacker much like a shield Spike or punch shield) flares on and off as the weapon mount detects different movements and stances.

Hecannot use them dually as the two handed blade takes both hands. He can however use the short saber defensively or with the automated weapons mount rules. This was the set-up designed for his ancestor to take on revan and malak. I'm happy to downgrade it if necessary.

This image shows a rare instance where both are active simulataniously.


For the sake of a fair competition I'm happy to agree with whatever. But the terms will also be a proverbial asterisk to whoever wins.

Edited by TheShard
14 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I'm had already assumed gear would need to be addressed. Not trying to game anything but this besides a few things just got crafted last week in my Barlo Bercilak game (his ancestor who he inherited the armor from).

The issue is with gear the Bercilaks are master bladesmiths. If you have an equivalent gear load out then the xp invested in crafting doesn't matter. In essence I should narratively have a much better blade then most of the party. Is a defining factor of his character.

So the blade as shown below certainly has a reason for a cross guard.

The shield used much like a roman legionnaire, has the saber built into an automated weapons mount. The Automated quality of the mount is that the bladed shield (which is essentially gives the shield the ability to press against the attacker much like a shield Spike or punch shield) flares on and off as the weapon mount detects different movements and stances.

Hecannot use them dually as the two handed blade takes both hands. He can however use the short saber defensively or with the automated weapons mount rules. This was the set-up designed for his ancestor to take on revan and malak. I'm happy to downgrade it if necessary.

This image shows a rare instance where both are active simulataniously.


For the sake of a fair competition I'm happy to agree with whatever. But the terms will also be a proverbial asterisk to whoever wins.

what is that?

I've been watching alot of kendo, hema and various duels and more reality based sparring matches.

The lack of a need for edge alignment, the limited weight of the blade and the lack of much force needed to penetrate most things would allow a very very different style to form. As would a weightless dissapearable shield.

Spear is by far the best weapon in most circumstances. Superior in most respects than a sword. Having a shield is better than 2 swords or single weapon fighting. A double lightsaber as normally depicted is the worst weapon ever. So based on all of this I came up with a fighting style for the Bercilaks.

They alternate between a very legionnaire like defensive stance. Spear held with the shield on the forearm covering a charge or retreat.

The bladed shield deactivating as he pushes aside a blade to counter attacks, or to slip underneath the defenses of an opponent with a side stance using it to both thrust like a spear or slash like a naginata.

It's Drez'n's ancestor Barlo doing his stances.

Edited by TheShard

So as you see here the way he used the shield, to both press with the Spike, but also to slash with the dirk?

Think of that as if it's one weapon instead of 3, and you arrive somewhere sorta like this, however this lacks the ability to press forward. It does however allow it to retract and become less cumbersome on his movements.

Now give it some automation.

Now think of all that being used with a spear instead of Cable's big gun.

3 hours ago, TheShard said:

I'm had already assumed gear would need to be addressed. Not trying to game anything but this besides a few things just got crafted last week in my Barlo Bercilak game (his ancestor who he inherited the armor from).

The issue is with gear the Bercilaks are master bladesmiths. If you have an equivalent gear load out then the xp invested in crafting doesn't matter. In essence I should narratively have a much better blade then most of the party. Is a defining factor of his character.

So the blade as shown below certainly has a reason for a cross guard. It's also double, but not in the traditional sense, rarely is more than one blade ignited at a time. Rather flickering on and off as need.

The shield used much like a roman legionnaire, has the saber built into an automated weapons mount. The Automated quality of the mount is that the bladed shield (which is essentially gives the shield the ability to press against the attacker much like a shield Spike or punch shield) flares on and off as the weapon mount detects different movements and stances.

Hecannot use them dually as the two handed blade takes both hands. He can however use the short saber defensively or with the automated weapons mount rules. This was the set-up designed for his ancestor to take on revan and malak. I'm happy to downgrade it if necessary.

This image shows a rare instance where both are active simulataniously.


For the sake of a fair competition I'm happy to agree with whatever. But the terms will also be a proverbial asterisk to whoever wins.

Please read this as a listing of logical reasons not an argumentative exchange, I'm thinking the tone might come across as hostile when that's not my intent.

1) It seems very much like you're gaming the system and tailoring the build to fight Elias. Building that in another campaign does nothing to counter that. If you're APPARENTLY tailoring your build and gear load out to fight Elias I'm going to do the same with "Elias'" build and gear load out because at that point it's a build off not "here are 2 characters that could conceivably see play, hypothetically who would win in a fight."

2) with Elias' 5 ranks in lore and (improved) secrets of the jedi I very much doubt the Drez'n Bercilak is a vastly superior bladesmith. There are more positive AND NEGATIVE dice in the pool. If you're relying on gear handed down from an ancestor instead of crafting it then a credit limit on lightsaber/armor is highly appropriate.

3) cross guards on a double bladed lightsaber are nonsensical unless you never ignite the other end and use linked, same goes for a double bladed saber and having a defensive lightsaber. You're not going to be able to use them together. If you're going for a spear go for a spear, that is a separate option in endless vigil. A double bladed lightsaber is not a spear. The picture of Drez'n is far too slender given your previous descriptions and the primary weapon he is holding is too long to be a double bladed lightsaber hilt as drawn, as a spear it's the right length.

4) Roman legioneers used something roughly the same size as a gungan energy shield. An energy buckler is too small even for Drez'n to use it to replicate their tactics.

5) when a lightsaber is built into another item you can use it EITHER (not both) as a lightsaber or the other item and it takes a maneuver to switch between the two modes. If you in built the saber into the energy buckler it is NOT a spiked shield, you have to choose which of the two functions you want to use at a particular moment.

6) I don't see how a shield projected from/attached to a "wrist watch" is going to avoid being in contact with a reverse arm mounted defensive lightsaber or allow you to use a double bladed lightsaber, or allow you to use a spear in anything other than a one handed thrusting/stabbing motion (vaguely similar to how Roman legioneers used them). And I believe that the energy buckler takes a maneuver to turn on and another to turn it off. The automated weapon mount let's you perform *1* combat action, not an ignition, an attack, and turning it off (2 maneuvers and an action).

7) besides the apparent attempt to get extra attacks/maneuvers for free, I have a serious problem with the flickerphase blade. If you're going to have one so am I but I would rather declare it off limits for both of us.

Edited by EliasWindrider
1 hour ago, TheShard said:

So as you see here the way he used the shield, to both press with the Spike, but also to slash with the dirk?

Think of that as if it's one weapon instead of 3, and you arrive somewhere sorta like this, however this lacks the ability to press forward. It does however allow it to retract and become less cumbersome on his movements.

Now give it some automation.

Now think of all that being used with a spear instead of Cable's big gun.

Being Scottish and having used a spiked buckler in sparing I can tell you it has very minimal defense even compared to the same size shield without the spike.

Just use the ******* gear you have now. It's going to save a lot of time, effort and arguing.

I actually never really had gear. I jumped in before that was figured out. In fact at this stage in the game both the spear and the armor needs fixing. This is just for a friendly sparring match @Rabobankrider and hopefully an equally friendly debate.

1) I am not. It's being tailored to take on Revan and Malak. In fact nothing about this is particularly suited for you over any other Jedi. His build is to specifically take on dark Jedi. However in pretty sure an aspect of your build was to be better than koroth but I could be mistaken however.

2) perhaps with your secrets of the Jedi you are quite able to make a very high quality saber. But narratively is your character the kind who would indefinitely tinker with a saber? It seems not. Bercilak is an armorer. Armor, weapons are his focuses, are they as defining a factor to Elias?

3) double sabers as they are, are very stupid weapons. So once we accept they are feasible, a lot of these objects seem nonsensical in comparison.

First thing is this isn't d&d a round isn't a single strike. If I narrate a successful check where both the cross guard and the linked are activated it might sound like this:

"The opponent holds the blade in one hand outstretched keeping me at bay testing my saber point occasionally, as I see a stumble in his foot work I rush him, his blade harmlessly striking the sword shield. The shield active on his forearm pushes hard against the opponent, the blade across it's diameter pushing the opponents saber close against their chest searing cloth. They step back to get space. I press the attack rotating under a strike, the shield lifts it over and out of the centerline. He struggles to realign. The shield disappears, and a perfectly timed counter strike lunge traps the opponent's blade between the crossguard and main blade, the force of the swing ripping the saber free and pinning it to the ground. Following through on the rotation the swing initiated, the first blade disappears and the second ignites. The blade cuts the opponent in two."

That's a single round. A round is multiple attacks and defends.

It's a picture of Barlo Bercilak actually, but it's just a picture so... Not sure what that pertains to anything we are discussing here.

4) a buckler sized shield worn on the forearm is perfectly fine for someone a bit over 4 feet and covered in cotosis platemail. So yes I think it works perfectly fine here.

5) I could install an autofire canon or flachet launcher and a Droid brain and got more out of the automated weapons mount. If it makes more sense for you I'll leave them separate. Thus only the saber is switched on and off. I don't think it makes any difference mechanically. It's essentially the fluff im describing. It's like saying I have to actually be a Merc soldier because the spec is called that. Also I repeatedly said forearm. It's not on his wrist.

6) the flicker phase is again part of the description fluff. Also it's an incidental to ignite a saber. It's maneuver to draw, but nothing is being drawn. So there is no extra maneuvering. In fact if I wanted to do so I could just use a utility arm instead.

7) im happy with whatever gear load out you want. However again, it'll determine the the context of any win. My character is a literal Knight.

As I pointed out at the start, this gear is actually needing to be made whole. The saber spear is broken in half and the armor needs reforging. It's gonna be a story element for Drez'n. However this is the eventual set up.

My fix for the flickerphase would be to have it cost 2adv to activate

Edited by TheShard


It's not a literal Spike. I definitely saw it might force the blade inward. Why did you not like it?

I'm gonna do some more Photoshop work hopefully I get to the weapons to use as an example.

3 hours ago, TheShard said:


It's not a literal Spike. I definitely saw it might force the blade inward. Why did you not like it?

I'm gonna do some more Photoshop work hopefully I get to the weapons to use as an example.

It is a spike. Its like all the swords in Skyrim and other games. All the extra spikes and stuff just get in the way. In a sparing match the spike on the buckler is more a target for the opponent to hook and control your shield arm with. Obviously that wouldn't apply to a lightsaber afaik but in real life you dont just put your shield up and let the opponent batter it, you angle to deflect blows away from yourself.

IMG_20190215_1004556732.jpg @SithArissa

It's not a literal Spike. As in my saber runs it's diameter. It does not extend from the center like a spike.

19 minutes ago, TheShard said:

IMG_20190215_1004556732.jpg @SithArissa

It's not a literal Spike. As in my saber runs it's diameter. It does not extend from the center like a spike.

dude stop

@TheShard , if it was a lightsaber pike a cross-guard might make sense (at least for star wars) because you could recreate a wing-tip spear. This design does seem pretty odd however. It seems that you're trying to stack too much stuff onto one thing. There is elegance in simplicity.

Tramp has claimed that I built Elias to be better than Korath. "From a certain point of view" (which I refer to as "jedi code for I lied my *** off"), namely that I desired my character to actually be effective at fulfilling my concept for him and I believe that I succeeded at that while I don't view Korath's build as being effective at fulfilling the concept Tramp has espoused for Korath (well rounded paragon of awesomeness), that could be considered accurate.

However, in the sense that you're implying, it is entirely false because Korath was in no way a benchmark for Elias' build. In a hypothetical world where I was playing a 1500 xp Elias in a game where Tramp wasn't at all involved, the build would be identical to what it is now.

Not trying to reopen a debate but this statement segues to the next 2 points... The only issues I had with Korath's gear load out was IN MY VIEW it was dishonest under the system he set up while at the same time the total credits for starting master characters gear was not sufficient for them to fulfill their concept, e.g. the 18000 credits was technically not enough for Arissa to have 2 basic lightsabers.

1) To answer your question about Elias fiddling with his saber until he gets it right... the saber I envision for Elias requires 1 triumph and 6 advantage on the crafting check, whereas the one off roll I used to craft the current saber got 1 triumph and 4 advantage. Basically I need an extra hardpoint for everything Elias plans to do to his saber. He's already got a custom grip.and dragite crystal fully modded, also want superior, a damping emitter, extended hilt, and magnetic weapon tether (to help keep it away from Avalon as per Jonas Shaaf); which if I'm doing/recalling the math right I'd already need to use reverse engineering to get a hp, so the additional +2 advantage are actually needed to get the needed hp.

2) I do have an issue with the proposed gear load out for drezn that has nothing to do with honesty or the lack thereof. While I don't see merely power gaming as a bad thing... power playing is another matter... however I see what you proposed for drezn's gear load out as going far beyond merely power gaming, and I will avoid actually speaking/writing a label that I do view as derogatory so as not to offend.

If you're considering a double bladed lightsaber to be a ridiculous weapon, then A) you must also consider the common staff to be a ridiculous weapon even though B) real world experts like ray park/Darth maul are actually able to use a staff weapon to great effect as illustrated in the phantom menace. However, putting cross guards that will cut your wrists off during normal use is another matter altogether.

A pike is a very different weapon than a common staff, especially when you replace parts of them with lightsaber blades, thereby decreasing the gripping area. With the decreased gripping area a double bladed lightsaber might be infeasible for anyone who isn't force sensitive but it is still plausible for those who are.

The shaft length in the picture you provided was as drawn clearly sized for a spear rather than a double bladed lightsaber, and that's even with it not being to scale (the drawing of the drall is too slender for previous descriptions of drezn and) thus the shaft of the weapon would need to be even longer than shown in the picture. In other words, Rabobankrider nailed it when he said that you were trying to do too much with a single weapon, it crossed the implausible threshold. If you want a spear make a lightsaber pike, if you want a double bladed lightsaber make one of those, but what you've described is an unholy (implausible even for force users) hybrid of the two, the dimensions just don't work and that goes double or triple for someone with Drez'n width to height ratio.

I view the flickerphase blade as a horrendous game design error, for a paltry sum of credits it invalidates the investment of hundreds or more xp. If I allowed it at all as a gm (which I wouldn't) every single one of my lightsaber toting baddies would have it, because there is no reason that every non-training lightsaber wouldn't be equipped with one and consequently no reason that any lightsaber form would teach parrying and yet they do, so yeah not a thing.

I've said my peace (in a way that I intended to come across as polite and civil, I've spent upwards of 4 hours on this trying to be diplomatic and I've deleted a whole lot of valid points that I couldn't figure out how to say politely, especially on the false topic of using Korath as a benchmark for Elias' build, I've done my best to avoid offending Tramp), and I'm going to refuse to debate this any further.

Edited by EliasWindrider


I'm responding here ooc should be for game questions.

Actually it's not, why can't I. Sure after an objection that's a question I asked, but my character's concept has nothing to do with anything anyone else here has done. It's an ancestor of a Knight I'm actually playing. The ancestor Barlo, is from a game with lots and lots of sith. Also lots of politiking. @Kilcannon is the GM. Barlo and another Jedi Val deal with big bad guys a lot, and have to play the you shall not pass role a lot. So our talker can work his magic.

The only issue I have is where the line is drawn. We have a campaign where everyone can do massive hurt. However objections about certain aspects happen while equivalent aspects are accepted.

Like a crit plus a million is way more effective than an arm mounted shoto. Maxing move or unleash or any number of other methods are available, which are much easier and way more effective.

My character is like a Jedi Warhammer knight character, a samurai ironman. Who despite his martial role is also mostly a negotiator and pacifist.


In hindsight I would totally trade seer for Padawan survivor if I were to rebuild him. Then again once the Jedi career comes out, I might completely reenvision him. However I'm not trying to tweak his stats every week so it is what it is now. As is it's probably a good enough representation of him as I plan on doing almost no crafting in this campaign other than to fix his ancestor's armor and saber. It's a build of Drez'n from a certain point of view.

Again the picture is of Barlo, not Drez'n however it's also agreedly not accurate as it was a rough sketch designed to illustrate a concept.

Also let's agree on a gear load out because I've asked multiple times prior and the answer was whatever makes sense for the PC. Which is obviously in correct.

I've suggested a possible fix for the flickerphase which is for it to be an active quality needing 2 adv as opposed to a passive quality.

Not Maul not Ray used anything effectively, a double bladed saber is completely non- functional as a weapon. Completely and utterly useless. It's worse in every way to a single saber.

His lightsaber is a quarterstaff with the possibility of extending the blade out on either side. Effectively having the long handle and the alternating blades are the only way two blades would ever make sense.

Also a polearm needed to slash with was often 7-9ft long and a stabbing only spear between 9 and up to 16 feet long. These are wielded by 5-6ft men. This is 4.5-5.5 ft long at most and wielded by a roughly 4.5 ft creature. It's the same **** ratio. I'm happy to listen to your concerns but they should be factual.

If you look at this video it's exactly how I intend to fight. However somehow raw it's ok to use a shoto in hand and one of the regular stupid double bladed sabers. That's completely legal. A regular double bladed saber does not need 2 hands. However if I mount it on a forearm and fluff it differently people wig out.

There are no crossguards close enough to cut off wrists nothing in the picture suggests that. In fact the cross guard's on his saber are angled out and actually functional. Kylo cross guard's don't stop a blade from cutting the vents clean off.

I am willing to discuss this and come to a reasonable compromise. However it seems like their are bizarre objections in the face of equally bizarre acceptances.

Would you want me to remove reverse engineering? Most of what you objected to had not actually been proven as more fantastical than more op possibilities. I keep making the same argument. There are simpler ways to achieve even more op goals. And those seem perfectly ok. Some I'm a little confused.

To me it seems like you have an aesthetic objection. Or an objection because you are in fact trying to win best build.

I am not. In fact the original plan was to have a greatsaber and a shoto. Bit the gm doesn't like greatsaber and it became a rationalized double saber instead. Having more dmg overall isn't the point when he can make sure he gets concussive off, he needs single attack dmg, and so a greatsaber is actually much more useful. Should I go with that? With 4 brawn and it being single handed that's raw too... Is that more aesthetically acceptable?

In this fight, kao is turning on and off a double bladed saber while fighting with a single. Turning off and on a shield-saber or alternating which side of a staff the blade appears is absolutely in this same stylistic spirit and no less plausible.

In fact it's much more plausible considering how actual sword and polearm fighting work. If you could turn on and off a shield, if it had no weight to restrict dexterity, it would be used in much more bizarre seeming combinations than this.

There is no need to get frustrated. I want to reiterate this is the end goal. In story, they are in pieces. So what power gaming can i do with dead gear?

Please respond to the specific concerns.

Edited by TheShard

The great saber and shoto are acceptable. Though aesthetic has very little to do with it.

Here's the thing, if you think a double bladed lightsaber is infeasible, why do you want to use one? only it isn't one it's a new weapon of your own devising which you want to classify as a double bladed lightsaber to gain the game mechanical advantage of one only it's really not a double bladed lightsaber so you don't have to take its limitations. The point is you have invented a new weapon that does not have RAW stats so it isn't RAW legal but you want to use it in an, according to you, "build off competition" anyway. That's the problem and it goes beyond power gaming to some other label which I consider derogatory and I'm trying really hard to not say to still be polite.

Power gamers work WITHIN the rules, they provide the constraints for a constrained optimization problem. This isn't WITHIN the rules but you're claiming it is. If you want a double bladed lightsaber you take the limitations of a double bladed lightsaber. If you want a lightsaber pike you take the limitations of a lightsaber pike. But you do not get to invent a new best of both worlds weapon and say it fits within RAW because it doesn't.

This was supposed to be a friendly hypothetical "what if/who would win in a fight" but you seem to want to stack the deck in your favor by last minute adding a massive (beyond power gaming) gear advantage which I view as dishonest and I have a huge problem with dishonest, dishonest (in my view) was the ONLY problem that I had with Korath's gear load out.

Either we both have flickerphase or we both don't, I advocate both don't. We either both have cortosis (talisman of the iron fist is thematically appropriate for Elias) or we both don't.

As for the guy in the video using a double bladed lightsaber in one hand and a single in the other, it didn't work out well for him and I didn't see him turning it on and off, I saw it getting knocked out of his hand in short order and him getting hit a lot. And since I'm pretty sure the rule list double bladed lightsabers as two handed weapons and he was using it in one hand, well that's pretty consistent with what happened to him.

My understanding is that while critical hits have to deal damage to trigger, effects like blast and concussive do not. The hit only has to be successful not deal damage.

First off a double saber is proven by history to be absolutely useless. There is no used equivalent in historic fighting because it's an absurd nonsensical design.

I'm approaching this as if the a weapon was designed from the very start taking into account the particular attributes of a saber. What would it look like? First off edge alignment to cut or party is no longer a concern. Neither is having a slashing or stabbing blade as saber doesn't need a curve or any other design to assist cutting or stabbing. It also takes little force. The best weapons outside of specific circumstances are those weapons that allow you to protect your center line and give you the most maneuverability with the least telegraphic motion or motion that would leave you open. Also reach is big. In most cases that's a spear.

A saber spear would be even more superior as it could slash and stab equally well. So it's form would be between a spear and a naginata probably. What's even better than a spear if you don't take into account the need to pentrate with a blade is a staff

Staffs do everything naginatas and spears can do but better. They can be reversed and with head used to minimize swing and rotation.

However as soon as you have two blades you loose a whole range of motion. Limits what you could do before you start bisecting limbs.

However if there's only a single blade and it can appear on either side as needed then it's the most logical weapon for a master of the martial arts. I've put a lot of time into watching hema and kendo and other sparring matches. In fact add the two vents and the crossguards adds in reality a trident like characteristic which is supremely useful in dealing with swordsmen or other polearm users.

I also love the kao cen darach fight. But I think using doubles sabers as shown is silly, I want a functional weapon.

If it's got two blades it's a double saber. How long the handle is irrelevant. Of course it's a design of my own it's a Kotor saber, where people road mechanical mounts entering atmosphere to conquer planets, where crazy Rakata tech is waiting to be discovered. However there a disconnect. You complain about the fluff as a way to complain about the mechanics.

I'll show u how aesthetic this objection is. A regular double saber isn't two handed. I could do everything I did now except I wouldn't have to mount it on the armor as I could fight within RAW as kao cen darach. I would save that armor hp and I'll use it for a microrocket launcher and install a Droid brain to cover for my bad agility. Or install a utility arm and get free 2nd maneuvers. That's all legal. I'm doing something worse than that for the sake of flavor. I don't need the defense from the shield I'm already maxed out with defense. It's only purpose is fluff.

Not to mention this crazy ****** here using multiple double sabers which is waaay stupider. Its like he's actively trying to disprove your point. He has four hands and still only uses one per saber. This has less realism than anything in proposing.

There is no limitations to a double saber besides unwieldy, which can be turned into coverage through crafting. So I took it's limitations so I'm not at all sure what your on about. Its back to fluff you don't like.

The pike has defensive which I'm not taking nor am I taking it's dmg rating. Everything statwise is mechanically a double, I'm accepting both it's limitations and it's advantages like you said. In fact the extra hours on a greatsaber is mechanically more advantageous to me for landing the hit required to activate qualities.

Only temple guard doublesabers are two handed.

Your understanding of effects are wrong. You have to deal at least a point of damage to "hit" before activating. It's why blast as an exception calls out 3adv to activate on a miss as opposed to 2adv.

Here's the video where it's used by kao i forget that's its before it's just him and malak.

It's Lord Vindican impaling by a saber suddenly using another blade that inspired this. However I wanted a more knight in shining armor or samurai feel and some having a longer handle aesthetic makes more sense.

Edited by TheShard

In fact raw I could have a utility arm,a weapons mounted thing, a double bladed lightsaber and a great saber. All useable. I'm not doing this. I'm not building to one hit crit kill Lord Vader... I'm trying to build someone whose life has been spent trying to master the martial side both as a weaponsmith and fighter, someone who cannot really use all of the arsenal of a Jedi. He does not mind trick and he cannot move much beyond recovering his saber. He can't jump tall buildings in a single bound. He can sit still an tank or he can sttack, or he can muggle his way through life.

Edited by TheShard