Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

We should just roll for gear then. And come up with a budget.

Or we can do gear as is. Maybe this is getting complicated we really are both great Crafters maybe just assume we have what we have.

This will be certainly rocket taggy

Edited by TheShard

This seems perfect. a149000b72e5fc4d271fea6a2c02dc49.jpg

1 minute ago, TheShard said:

This seems perfect. a149000b72e5fc4d271fea6a2c02dc49.jpg

Why you hate Stonehenge?

13 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

Why you hate Stonehenge?

Haters gonna hate.

Hate? I think it's a great dueling circle

On 1/17/2019 at 5:45 AM, TheShard said:

Or we can do gear as is. Maybe this is getting complicated we really are both great Crafters maybe just assume we have what we have.

This will be certainly rocket taggy

Budget and craft is fine... just don't expect it to change Elias' load out cause with 18K he can easily replicate his gear.

If you want to keep everything well, the only bit of gear Drez'n has that I object to is the cortosis quality, if you want to keep it I'd like a talisman of the iron fist to level the playing field.

FWIW I think Elias would win at rocket tag, he has an awesome initiative check and I think he can add 5 failures to you're attack to make it miss.

Sure... Though I think we can both add failures. I'll add the lightsaber and armor to the sheet and we can be ready. Is the Stonehenge birds eye an accepted map?

4 hours ago, TheShard said:

Sure... Though I think we can both add failures. I'll add the lightsaber and armor to the sheet and we can be ready. Is the Stonehenge birds eye an accepted map?

Does the "sure" mean "add talisman of the iron fist" to the 2000xp Elias' sheet?

Stonehenge is fine, but at what range band do you want to start... medium? Do we start holding a saber or do we draw?

Edited by EliasWindrider

Sure you can have that I think it'll draw the fight out longer and make it more interesting.

I think my idea is this is a dark side Nexus so it's making us think we are fighting a dark side version of each other.

I know you said build off. But I think we should play this to style. I figure we are both on the opposite side of the ring.

I say it's one range band from the map edge to the outer ring of stones, another range band to the second ring, and a final one at the center.

In addition I'd suggest these environmental options.

Take a manuever to get behind a rock = 2 setback dice unless the opponent takes a manuever to get around the rock.

Take a manuever to get on top a rock. High ground gives a bonus to your attack and a setback to your opponents attack.

Also we should have a mechanic if an opponent is on a rock and you attempt to slice it down there's a chance of injury to the person on the rock as it falls.

Add a setback to the faller's next attack. In addition it causes 2 dmg not soaked, a 1r 2p coordination check can be made to avoid the damage.

Let's say each Stone has soak 8 and 12 hit points and We won't keep track of which is destroyed or not. It's more an immediate environmental effect.

Each rock is sil 3 but considered anchored. And because they are Darkside you have to use Darkside pips to move them.

Sound cool? Anymore thoughts on the dueling environment?

Also perhaps initially we make a fear check because of the evil presence.

Edited by TheShard

After the first fight we can do one without Cortosis.

2 hours ago, TheShard said:

Sure you can have that I think it'll draw the fight out longer and make it more interesting.

I think my idea is this is a dark side Nexus so it's making us think we are fighting a dark side version of each other.

I know you said build off. But I think we should play this to style. I figure we are both on the opposite side of the ring.

I say it's one range band from the map edge to the outer ring of stones, another range band to the second ring, and a final one at the center.

In addition I'd suggest these environmental options.

Take a manuever to get behind a rock = 2 setback dice unless the opponent takes a manuever to get around the rock.

Take a manuever to get on top a rock. High ground gives a bonus to your attack and a setback to your opponents attack.

Also we should have a mechanic if an opponent is on a rock and you attempt to slice it down there's a chance of injury to the person on the rock as it falls.

Add a setback to the faller's next attack. In addition it causes 2 dmg not soaked, a 1r 2p coordination check can be made to avoid the damage.

Let's say each Stone has soak 8 and 12 hit points and We won't keep track of which is destroyed or not. It's more an immediate environmental effect.

Each rock is sil 3 but considered anchored. And because they are Darkside you have to use Darkside pips to move them.

Sound cool? Anymore thoughts on the dueling environment?

Also perhaps initially we make a fear check because of the evil presence.

From the picture some rocks are sil 2 and the small ones are sil 1 (character sized), because even the largest rock looks smaller than a life sized tie fighter, a pick up truck large car is a typical sil 2, smallest sill 2 is a motor cycle, the air speeder bomber on the cover of stay on target is a large sil 2. And cover generally grants 1 setback rather than 2. But darkside nexus making each think the other is a dark sider is fine with me. Elias generally commits a force die when waking up or at the first hint of danger. So I'd expect his sense defense double upgrade to be up before the fight starts, but that means I only get to ad 4 force dice to initiative

What's the difficulty of the fear check? 3 purple, 2 purple and a red, 4 purple, or 3 purple and a red?

Edited by EliasWindrider

Initiative check is 8 successes (counting white pips) and 5 advantage.

Initiative : 3eP+3eA+3eB+4eF 6 successes, 5 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-s.png a-s-a.png a-a.png b-a.png b--.png b-a.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

BTW Elias' melee defense is 4 not 2, the ogg dude sheet isn't picking up the 2 ranks of defensive training.

And we each have 2 destiny points to flip which gives them to the other side.

Edited by EliasWindrider

I'm thinking sil 3 from the sheer density but sil 2 is fine. Hold on there make the fear check before iniative.

Say 2 red 2 purple?

3 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I'm thinking sil 3 from the sheer density but sil 2 is fine. Hold on there make the fear check before iniative.

Say 2 red 2 purple?


Fear check : 3eP+3eA+2eC+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-s.png a-s.png a-s.png c-th.png c-f-f.png d-th.png d-th.png

Drez'n's swsheet isn't 100% complete, what's his soak without active force powers/talents? What're his defense melee/ranged? Does he have any signature abilities?

It'd be preferable is you could post a link to a oggdude sheet.

Edited by EliasWindrider

The soak is 4 without active force powers and armor.

I'm putting up equipment now and tomorrow. I won't be around oggdudes for a bit. But I'll post it when I am.

is everyone dead?

Only partially. Work is killing me.

1 minute ago, TheShard said:

Only partially. Work is killing me.

My suggestion: kill it back

If only

3 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

is everyone dead?

The weather here is terrible. It’s likely that I won’t be able to on line tomorrow or the next day.

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The weather here is terrible. It’s likely that I won’t be able to on line tomorrow or the next day.

well tell it to stop


Hey so work and weather . After it breaks let's resume the duel.

Also his weapons might get retconned to a different saber hilt, I'm playing his ancestor who original built his armor and saber and I'm at the story point where he's about to build those.

11 hours ago, TheShard said:


Hey so work and weather . After it breaks let's resume the duel.

Also his weapons might get retconned to a different saber hilt, I'm playing his ancestor who original built his armor and saber and I'm at the story point where he's about to build those.

I've been busy worked 40 hours already since Monday. Totally zoned out now, watching my son now (wife is a night nurse at the hospital).