Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

7 hours ago, SithArissa said:

Has it been decided if we are using the new stacking or old highest defence rules?

All current errata is in play.

2 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

All current errata is in play.

So defensive from 2 separate sabers will stack for dual wielding?

28 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

So defensive from 2 separate sabers will stack for dual wielding?

Defensive increases melee defense, rather than granting it, so yes, they would stack, up to a Defense of 4. However, that also depends upon the dual wielding rules regarding weapon qualifies only applying to the primary weapon. That might put other restrictions, that while not related directly to Defense stacking, may have an impact none the less. I would ask the Devs directly about this specifically.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Found a beta version of the character on pdf so i should be good after the weekend.

Edited by TheShard
On 1/2/2019 at 2:45 PM, TheShard said:

Found a beta version of the character on pdf so i should be good after the weekend.

This bit of news might be of interest to you.

FB_IMG_1547154848265.jpg Dude I know! Finally!

Edited by TheShard
18 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

This bit of news might be of interest to you.

Hey on can you link an image to be displayed in any of the text boxes?

Also did we get the mentor discount when building characters?

5 hours ago, TheShard said:

Hey on can you link an image to be displayed in any of the text boxes?

Also did we get the mentor discount when building characters?

Not in the text boxes, only in the image box.

@Rabobankrider I originally created Chemdat as a character I wouldn't care about so that I could tolerate having Tramp as his jedi master so no one else had to. Contrary to my expectations @Stormbourne seems able to tolerate having Tramp/Korath as Avalon's jedi master. So I was wondering if I could have Chemdat get pissed at Elias and walk off into the sunset so that I could create a starting character that I do care about, Aris Renn would be a female pantoran racer with a 2 4 3 2 2 3 statblock, I'm envisioning her as a pilot face character, enhance, sense, foresee, influence would be her only force powers, second spec would be sage NOT planning on her being a lightsaber monkey, but a 4 talent dip into ataru striker far enough to get ataru technique and a reflect seems reasonable.

7 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider I originally created Chemdat as a character I wouldn't care about so that I could tolerate having Tramp as his jedi master so no one else had to. Contrary to my expectations @Stormbourne seems able to tolerate having Tramp/Korath as Avalon's jedi master. So I was wondering if I could have Chemdat get pissed at Elias and walk off into the sunset so that I could create a starting character that I do care about, Aris Renn would be a female pantoran racer with a 2 4 3 2 2 3 statblock, I'm envisioning her as a pilot face character, enhance, sense, foresee, influence would be her only force powers, second spec would be sage NOT planning on her being a lightsaber monkey, but a 4 talent dip into ataru striker far enough to get ataru technique and a reflect seems reasonable.

Yes I have mastered the art of not giving a ****

@EliasWindrider , because of the circumstances for Chemdat's creation, I will allow his replacement this once, but when the build for the new character is finished I will not be allowing other changes to stats or other replacements, I would like to avoid people swapping characters on regular occasions. I am going to have to ask that you deal with his departure as you see fit to ttry and save me some time regarding planning. That would be a big help to me.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , because of the circumstances for Chemdat's creation, I will allow his replacement this once, but when the build for the new character is finished I will not be allowing other changes to stats or other replacements, I would like to avoid people swapping characters on regular occasions. I am going to have to ask that you deal with his departure as you see fit to ttry and save me some time regarding planning. That would be a big help to me.


I'm really debating about whether to put the 3 in her Intelligence or Cunning. A pantoran sentinal/racer makes a great force sensitive "smuggler" stereotype (so possibly a little bit of a bad girl, she lives "fast"), so going cunning improves deception/ perception/ skullduggery/ streetwise (bread and butter things for a "smuggler") but I'm wondering if she should be more of a "gearhead", so when she's not flying starships she's tinkering with them.... what do y'all think.

gonna start with 2 ranks in cool, so gambling is a thing for her... @Rabobankrider you could introduce her in the sale of the the shuttle she could be in the cantina singing or playing sabaac

second spec would probably be Sage to work on her charm and get FR4 (4 dice for enhance control pilot)

but if going with the smuggler theme... there's gunslinger so... maybe hunter or an age or or eote spec, ironically sage/natural negotiatior would help with that giving Aris the ability to reroll a cool check.

maybe dip into ataru striker....

@The Shard do you have some thoughts for me on how to optimize a force sensitive but otherwise stereotypical smuggler build?

EDIT: I just looked through all the specs and I thing gadgeteer would make a good second or third spec... straight shot down to dedication, with a bunch of talents that help as a gunslinger and gearhead (4 new career skills, and I'd been looking to get brawl in the mix as a bonus. And deadly accuracy could be applied to a lightsaber... hmmm a lot of potential there.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@Rabobankrider is it ok if Aris Renn is the person who puts the gorse team in contact with a smuggling crew who will buy the shuttle? The meet her at a cantina playing sabaac, the bartender points the other pcs to her and she only wants to talk to/deal with the cute one Tino (both chiss and pantorans have blue skin so similar standards of attractiveness) to put the focus of the encounter on another starting character (tino)?


Edited by EliasWindrider

Here's my tentative build for Aris Renn (force sensitive but otherwise stereotypical smuggler hot chick), feedback would be appreciated... gotta look at moral strengths and weaknesses but if there's something that fits the theme of adrenaline junkie that's what I'll take for her.

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider is it ok if Aris Renn is the person who puts the gorse team in contact with a smuggling crew who will buy the shuttle? The meet her at a cantina playing sabaac, the bartender points the other pcs to her and she only wants to talk to/deal with the cute one Tino (both chiss and pantorans have blue skin so similar standards of attractiveness) to put the focus of the encounter on another starting character (tino)?


Sure. If u want to, they can get tgt too.

10 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Sure. If u want to, they can get tgt too.

I'm guessing tgt means together (L33T is a *little* after my time) but yeah it does seem narratively reasonable/authentic. Besides finding Tino attractive, she'd be into his ship. She's young and immature and is a fly girl (very enthusiastic about fast ships, speeders, etc.)

so what are people's thoughts on this for Aris Renn? (I googled for pantoran females and found this chiss pic that other than eye color was a good match for what I was thinking)



Beginnings: the down and out: she never knew her parents and was raised by a human smuggling chief on Gorse who has always treated her like a daughter.

Attitude towards the force: an ancient religion

Reason for adventure: opportunity knocks




Enthusiasm/Recklessness 50


Talented, beautiful, and reckless. Aris Renn flies fast and lives faster. She enjoys/idealizes the smuggler's life: gambling, the art of the deal/con, talking her way into and out of trouble, and failing that shooting first (on stun as a professional courtesy to her fellow criminals; storm troopers and other neo imperials won't get that courtesy) . She likes turning heads when she walks into the room and being the center of attention. Dreams of winning a smallish fast ship, maybe something Corellian like a HWK-290, by playing sabaac or in a race and then tinkering with it to make it faster so she can accumulate credits by racing it and pulling smuggling runs for her old man, "pops." When pops retires, she'd like to succeed him as chief of his smuggling crew. In another, more responsible, life she might have been a star fighter ace to get her adrenaline fix while serving a cause greater than herself. She despises bounty hunters and law enforcement. She is not a snitch and won't sell you out unless it's absolutely necessary to save her own skin or kin. When necessary to protect herself or her own she won't hesitate to kill, but she's not into unnecessary killing.
@Rabobankrider can Aris Renn's "pops" be the smuggler chief who buys the first order shuttle?
Edited by EliasWindrider

she seems like someone that draws people in then stabs them

22 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

she seems like someone that draws people in then stabs them

Draws people in and cons them out of credits maybe, but she's not into unnecessary killing. Necessary means protecting herself and her own. If it's a question of her or you getting hurt/killed it's not going to be her, unless she views you as family. She despises bounty hunters, and law enforcement, she's not a snitch and not going to sell you out unless it's absolutely necessary to save her own skin or kin. I should add that to her description.

Edited by EliasWindrider
7 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm guessing tgt means together (L33T is a *little* after my time) but yeah it does seem narratively reasonable/authentic. Besides finding Tino attractive, she'd be into his ship. She's young and immature and is a fly girl (very enthusiastic about fast ships, speeders, etc.)

Yeah I mean together. So they wld be in a relationship and stuff.


I updated the swsheet should be close enough to do battle. I need to verify one or two things but let's do this!

Assume we have the crystal(s) for our be sabers but let's roll to craft them just for this match. I think we should fight in a famous location. Something fairly clear in it's layout.

1.jpg perhaps fight here?

11 hours ago, TheShard said:

1.jpg perhaps fight here?

Not a lot of close up detail.

11 hours ago, TheShard said:


I updated the swsheet should be close enough to do battle. I need to verify one or two things but let's do this!

Assume we have the crystal(s) for our be sabers but let's roll to craft them just for this match. I think we should fight in a famous location. Something fairly clear in it's layout.

If we're rolling to craft sabers we should be rolling for crystal mods too. I know Elias can practically make the rolls in his sleep thanks to the improved secrets of the jedi talent and 5 ranks in knowledge lore, crafting my own saber, including force dice, 4 intellect and 2 mechanics, and a jedi multi tool for a boost, which means most or maybe all (it's been a while I'll have to check the rules again including counting the mods on a danite crystal, but I think it might be all) of my rolls will be against easy difficulty. Improved secrets of the jedi was one of the primary reasons I took the Padawan survivor universal specialization.

Edited by EliasWindrider

If i was to redo Drez'n it's exchange Arbiter for Padawan survivor.

I'm trying to find a birds eye shot of ruins that gives us space to be play in but be isn't too big.