Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

If we are going with that ill have to think about the build a bit differently i was looking at the unleash conflict thing from baron do as i was gonna use force lightening but flavored as a bit kore elemental in nature.

26 minutes ago, TheShard said:

If we are going with that ill have to think about the build a bit differently i was looking at the unleash conflict thing from baron do as i was gonna use force lightening but flavored as a bit kore elemental in nature.

Remember that these alternative traditions don't forbid you from learning other powers in most cases. In this case, you could still learn Unleash; you just wouldn't get any discounts on it. That said, if you want to strike your enemies with lightning from Father Sky, you might still be able to ignore the first two points of conflict depending on the GM's decision. :)

I may consider it yeah, but if it had that benefit as well I'd probably feel it may be a good idea to increase the cost to remove the disadvantages for balance sake.

@Rabobankrider , your mailbox is full. I can’t send you a PM.

@Rabobankrider could you stat "zip ties"... regular binder cuffs are 4 purple, so I'd figure zip ties would be 3 purple or simple if you have something sharp to remove them. I was hoping to be able to keep a 10 pack of zip ties in a belt pouch for zero enc and a small number of credits. The purpose is not to keep someone captive long term but to impair someone severely enough to take or keep them out a fight for a few rounds.

@Tramp Graphics to solve your cold weather gear problem you could alchemically craft amulets of protection, they cost something like 300 credits a pop and with 2 or 3 advantage you could get a second one for free, and they're pretty easy to make... if you're wondering how Korath would have learned... he could have learned from Elias. Elias has one.

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Tramp Graphics to solve your cold weather gear problem you could alchemically craft amulets of protection, they cost something like 300 credits a pop and with 2 or 3 advantage you could get a second one for free, and they're pretty easy to make... if you're wondering how Korath would have learned... he could have learned from Elias. Elias has one.

First off, Korath doesn’t know Alchemy, and has no desire to. Secondly, it’s an unnecessary and frivolous use of the Force where suitable clothing is more practical.

23 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

First off, Korath doesn’t know Alchemy, and has no desire to. Secondly, it’s an unnecessary and frivolous use of the Force where suitable clothing is more practical.

Cold weather clothing (excepting an all temperature cloak) isn't going to help you in the heat, and it's certainly not going to keep you from catching on fire, or let you breath under water or protect you from vacuum and let you run along the outside hull of a ship, so the amulet of protection is a LOT more practical than cold weather gear. Multi purpose protection gear isn't frivolous, and technically in universe/from a narrative point of view, any jedi who has attuned a lightsaber crystal to increase its effectiveness has already practiced a limited form of alchemy. As for creating holocrons there're no rules for that but it could be classified as alchemy from a narrative point of view. I'd certainly understand Korath's biases preventing him from using it as a last resort, but Elias doesn't share Korath's biases.

Edited by EliasWindrider
32 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

First off, Korath doesn’t know Alchemy, and has no desire to. Secondly, it’s an unnecessary and frivolous use of the Force where suitable clothing is more practical.

But floating rocks in someone's face right out in the open is fine apparently.

13 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Cold weather clothing (excepting an all temperature cloak) isn't going to help you in the heat, and it's certainly not going to keep you from catching on fire, or let you breath under water or protect you from vacuum and let you run along the outside hull of a ship, so the amulet of protection is a LOT more practical than cold weather gear. Multi purpose protection gear isn't frivolous, and technically in universe/from a narrative point of view, any jedi who has attuned a lightsaber crystal to increase its effectiveness has already practiced a limited form of alchemy. As for creating holocrons there're no rules for that but it could be classified as alchemy from a narrative point of view. I'd certainly understand Korath's biases preventing him from using it as a last resort, but Elias doesn't share Korath's biases.

True, but we don’t need to worry about the heat right now. We need to worry about arctic cold temperatures and snow getting our feet wet (particularly Korath, given that his boots aren’t waterproof).

1 minute ago, SithArissa said:

But floating rocks in someone's face right out in the open is fine apparently.

That was a lesson. 😜

@Tramp Graphics , mailbox is empty.

@EliasWindrider , yeah I don't see why not. You'd be able to buy them for a few credits somewhere.

Also I don't plan to punish people specifically on the materials of their clothes. Heavy clothes are heavy clothes regardless of player choices regarding style and materials, so on and so forth.


Is it just normal char gen? What ewok stats do you want me to use?

20 hours ago, TheShard said:


Is it just normal char gen? What ewok stats do you want me to use?

Yes, normal RAW character generation for all starting characters. and use the Ewok stats from the USM .

@TheShard , any progress?

Yea i shpuld have the sheet up tonight. Lots overtime before the holidays!

Im debating going cunning heavy or agility...


29 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Im debating going cunning heavy or agility...


From a build optimization perspective, starting character should have 1 spec and put "all" of their species xp into attributes

Edited by EliasWindrider

Sure. I got that. I always build around 2 spec ideas.

Edited by TheShard
1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

From a build optimization perspective, starting character should have 1 spec and put "all" of their species xp into attributes

True, though to be fair, few, if any, of the characters in this campaign are “optimized”.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

True, though to be fair, few, if any, of the characters in this campaign are “optimized”.

It isn't a binary yes/no decision, it's "how optimized are they?" and "what was the optimization criteria?" The later was what did the player place the highest value (relative i.e ranked order) on when building the character on. What "you meant to say" (i.e. the fully qualified/technically correct version of what you said) without knowing it is that "few if any of the characters have maximum effectiveness at fulfilling the role the player envisioned for their character given their xp constraint." In contrast most players made "good" but suboptimal decisions about how to maximize their effectiveness at their chosen role for their character, the optimization was terminated before converging to the global maximum.

Edited by EliasWindrider


5 hours ago, TheShard said:


The big picture take away was that most characters in this campaign were "broad strokes" optimized rather well but using different criteria, which is pretty much the exact opposite of what tramp SAID, being optimized does not require that they achieve the optimal (by whatever criteria is selected) design

Edited by EliasWindrider

Anyways, so what do people think?

Fast spinny ball of death vs a shifty teddybear feller

5 hours ago, TheShard said:

Anyways, so what do people think?

Fast spinny ball of death vs a shifty teddybear feller

Well, the USM already gives Ewoks a Cunning of 3, so I say up the Agility. That'll give him two stats at 3.

Just remember guys, optimisation is not the aim of the game. It's more of a narrative game than just a dungeon crawl style game.