Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@Stormbourne , you're not going to treat them as the same general power because I've told you you're not. You're also not going to attribute your power (or lack of) to how much food you ate. You're also going to struggle in cold environments unless you invest in resilience. Now I had already told you all of this in my last post, I shouldn't really have to do it twice. You're going to have to accept my ruling on this one, I'm not debating it further.

You do understand that only the very very very most powerful of force users can suatain themselves with the force or manifest the force with with such ease.

Edited by TheShard
7 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , you're not going to treat them as the same general power because I've told you you're not. You're also not going to attribute your power (or lack of) to how much food you ate. You're also going to struggle in cold environments unless you invest in resilience. Now I had already told you all of this in my last post, I shouldn't really have to do it twice. You're going to have to accept my ruling on this one, I'm not debating it further.

i feel like you think im trying to break the mechanics of the game im not, you think i need to roll against the cold tell me what dice to roll, im also not going to say i can do things that haven't payed for, i can't use protect not yet, but i am asking if i can narrate my use of powers in a unique way

here are the ways i see me using powers that isn't "normal"

can i say that protection is just me healing any wounds i get ridiculously fast?

can i say that enchance is just me lowering the friction i encounter while running?

can i say that sense is just me lowering the friction between me and a weapon or bullet or etc. causeing it to slide off doing less damage than it should have otherwise?

i am not looking to break the game or swiddle powers that i don't have if you believe that i am, i am sorry for giving you that impression it is not my intent, for having a power fantasy is only fun for one person, and only for a short time, and i do not wish to deprive anyone of the fun they came seeking here

  • You cannot narrate protection as healing wounds, because that's what the power heal/harm is for. You can however narrate it as having attacks bounce or slide off of a shield you make (depending on the attack, blaster shots aren't sliding anywhere).
  • You cannon say enhance is reducing friction to move faster because the power enhance is not effecting the smoothness of surfaces.
  • You cannot say sense is lowering friction to attacks slide off you because that's not even close to what sense does.

Hope that clears things up, please change your last ic post to represent this so we can continue with the Drall thread.

You will be having to roll resilience (along with everyone else) when you guys set out to find the lost jedi in the glaciers, I'll be putting the appropriate rolls into the ooc thread when it's appropriate.

4 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:
  • You cannot narrate protection as healing wounds, because that's what the power heal/harm is for. You can however narrate it as having attacks bounce or slide off of a shield you make (depending on the attack, blaster shots aren't sliding anywhere).
  • You cannon say enhance is reducing friction to move faster because the power enhance is not effecting the smoothness of surfaces.
  • You cannot say sense is lowering friction to attacks slide off you because that's not even close to what sense does.

Hope that clears things up, please change your last ic post to represent this so we can continue with the Drall thread.

You will be having to roll resilience (along with everyone else) when you guys set out to find the lost jedi in the glaciers, I'll be putting the appropriate rolls into the ooc thread when it's appropriate.


@TheShard , I still need an apprentice character from you, and now it has to either be on Gorse or Mandalore.

@Rabobankrider what is the current situations on those planets? Would either have slaves?

I'm thinking an ewok taken as a slave.

44 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I'm thinking an ewok taken as a slave.

i can only see this


6 hours ago, TheShard said:

@Rabobankrider what is the current situations on those planets? Would either have slaves?

6 hours ago, TheShard said:

I'm thinking an ewok taken as a slave.

No. Neither Mandalore nor Gorse allow slavery. Slavery is outlawed in the New Republic anyway. However, that shouldn't stop you from playing an Ewok, particularly given the time frame.

The trope im trying to flesh out is a fish out of water. So im looking for a good justification for him off world without intending to be.

54 minutes ago, TheShard said:

The trope im trying to flesh out is a fish out of water. So im looking for a good justification for him off world without intending to be.

There are innumerable reasons for an Ewok to be off world post Battle of Endor. One of the most common given in the old WEG books is he got curious and stowed away on a visiting starship (or his parents did). Think about it. Canon gives us an Ewok Slicer (who owes Chewie "fuzzy snuggles forever" ). Others, in recompense for the Alliance helping save Endor, went on to volunteer their services as "therapy Ewoks" helping recuperating Rebel Veterans.

In Legends , at least, there were a few trading posts set up on the moon and, for a few years following the war, even a booming tourist trade. There's no reason to think this couldn't also be true in the current canon.

Canonically, the Ewoks were never enslaved anyway. The Empire didn't even consider them consequential enough to be worth enslaving.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
5 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

went on to volunteer their services as "therapy Ewoks"

That is profoundly disturbing...

3 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

That is profoundly disturbing...

I would post a video but I'd get banned

10 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

That is profoundly disturbing...

A calm cute fuzzy 3 foot tall teddy bear is bear that gives hugs and smiles when you scratch him/behind the ears is disturbing? Sure they're sentient but I've seen (and had one as a pet as a child) dogs with an intellect roughly equivalent to a 4 or 5 year old human granted that's a genius dog but it's still not too far off from sentience and the ewok volunteered for it. They're just short furry therapists that give hugs, not all therapists give hugs but some do and some of those are short so the difference is how hairy they have and their weird accent and choice of clothing... ok their choice of clothing while they give you a hug is disturbing, I withdraw the question, but the same goes for wookiees

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

A calm cute fuzzy 3 foot tall teddy bear is bear that gives hugs and smiles when you scratch him/behind the ears is disturbing? Sure they're sentient but I've seen (and had one as a pet as a child) dogs with an intellect roughly equivalent to a 4 or 5 year old human granted that's a genius dog but it's still not too far off from sentience and the ewok volunteered for it. They're just short furry therapists that give hugs, not all therapists give hugs but some do and some of those are short so the difference is how hairy they have and their weird accent and choice of clothing... ok their choice of clothing while they give you a hug is disturbing, I withdraw the question, but the same goes for wookiees

That part's not disturbing and the fact you don't see it the same way as us gutter dwellers is remarkable

Circus... Like pirate circus people will have him on display as an exotic animal. Im gonna assume tgey left endor alone and it remained a "nature" preserve... So he was poached.

Which planet i dont care. Ill write him up shortly what do you want me to use for ewok stats?

Edited by TheShard

Im thinking force shaman

14 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Circus... Like pirate circus people will have him on display as an exotic animal. Im gonna assume tgey left endor alone and it remained a "nature" preserve... So he was poached.

Which planet i dont care. Ill write him up shortly what do you want me to use for ewok stats?

Br 1 Pr 3

Teddy bear: add blue to charm

Sil 0

3 hours ago, TheShard said:

Circus... Like pirate circus people will have him on display as an exotic animal. Im gonna assume tgey left endor alone and it remained a "nature" preserve... So he was poached.

Which planet i dont care. Ill write him up shortly what do you want me to use for ewok stats?

3 hours ago, TheShard said:

Im thinking force shaman

Use the Unofficial Species Menagerie for stats. The stats are on page 13. All attributes 2 except for Brawn and Cunning . They start with a 1 Brawn and 3 Cunning , gain one free rank in either Stealth or Survival , and remove one Setback imposed by Concealment against any target within short range due to their enhanced sense of smell. Silhouette 0. They have a starting Wound Threshold of 9 + Brawn , a starting strain threshold of 10 + Willpower , and Starting XP of 100.

@TheShard , circus idea works well for Mandalore I'd say. I'm going to need to see what you have before the party gather and leave Gorse though, at a minimum.


I'm trying to decide spec... Probably hermit to start.

I think using the baron do force tradition as the mechanics for ewok shamanism sounds very close if that's not an issue @Rabobankrider

I plan to build this guy as a force wizard, focusing on protect and unleash, and alter

I actually found this (credit to @SavageBob :)

Looks pretty good if you ask me.

Edited by Rabobankrider
23 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I actually found this (credit to @SavageBob 😞

Looks pretty good if you ask me.

My thinking on it is that the Drawback may be a bit too granular for this system. I'd probably revise it a bit to simplify things:

Drawback (15 XP): A character must possess the proper material components to use any Force power except Battle Meditation. PCs may assume that their character has these components on hand, but if the character rolls 3 Threat or a Despair on a Force power check, the GM can declare that the components are lost or used up for that power. The character must then gather new components with a Survival check with a difficulty set by the environment (e.g., Easy (P) in a lush area, Daunting (PPPP) in a desert). Sanctifying these materials takes at least three hours and 2 Strain per hour.

Edited by SavageBob